Just finished "unintended Consequences" 861pages of Wow...A real page turner. Found it ironic main character "henry Bowman"; Who spends most of the book firing 375 H&H's 'and 4 bore double rifles begins the second American revolution by repelling an unexpected ATF raiding party with a .22 single shooting cb caps ( no magazine) Great weeks read, sad its over gotta get a copy of pax or one of jwr's books. .
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross Took a bit to get started but really picked up in the second half. Definately worth the read!
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross The Book pounds out the serial abuses of power by the ATF. the references to bad raids where people were shot by ninja suited guys in black hoods over a $200 tax issue; check out as real if you google the names and "ATF raid". Finally somebody takes it personnally and says "Enough. It stops here." Of course seems discussing the plot could be considered conspiracy anymore....
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross John Ross is usually at the Knob Creek machine gun shoots selling books and trading machine guns. He always has something interesting and unusual.
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross Knob creek is mentioned in the book; and I caught wind of a sequel in the works on a blog somewhere...
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross [SIZE=+1]Drug warriors are the real threat to Americans[/SIZE] <small>The Missoulian (Montana) ^ | 7/26/07 | PAUL BEFUMO</small> <small>Posted on 07/27/2007 10:01:30 AM PDT by kiriath_jearim</small> Last week, drug czar John Walters said that people who grow marijuana are terrorists. “These people are armed; they're dangerous,” Walters said. He called them “violent criminal terrorists.” Walters must be referring to people like Anthony Diotaiuto, a 23-year-old bartender and part-time student. Diotaiuto had everyone but the drug warriors fooled into thinking he was a good church-going, family-oriented, middle-class working stiff. But Diotaiuto had a criminal history, a single conviction for marijuana possession when he was 16 years old. Based on that information and a tip from a criminal informant claiming that Diotaiuto sold a single ounce of marijuana, the drug warriors conducted a pre-dawn raid on Diotaiuto's home, battering down his front door without warning, according to neighbors. When the raid was over, Diotaiuto lay dead in his closet, his body riddled with ten bullet holes. The drug warriors' story about what happened has changed several times since the incident. However, Diotaiuto had a small amount of marijuana in his possession, proving that the drug warriors in all likelihood saved us from another dangerous, marijuana-smoking criminal terrorist. Walters and the drug warriors are just trying to protect us from these dangerous terrorists, like 92-year-old Kathryn Johnson. She was shot by Atlanta drug warriors in a surprise paramilitary drug raid on her home last Nov. 21. Johnson got off a single shot from her legally owned pistol (she had recently obtained it to protect herself). Her shot didn't hit anyone. The drug warriors fired 39 shots, killing Johnson. Her assailants recently pled guilty to lying to obtain the warrant for Johnson's apartment, criminal solicitation and planting three bags of marijuana in Johnson's home in an attempt to cover up the murder. Not one of them will face murder charges. With people like John Walters and the thousands of drug-warrior zealots unleashed on an unsuspecting public, it begs the question: Who are the terrorists, and who are the likely victims? In Charlotte, N.C., drug warriors got a tip that someone there was distributing cocaine, so they burst into the suspect home using a flashback grenade. Four men were there playing cards. One of them, 56-year-old Charles Irwin Potts, was wearing his legally owned and carried handgun. The drug warriors shot him four times in the chest, killing him. The three witnesses, who believed the house was being robbed, said Potts' gun never left its holster. The drug warriors found no cocaine, and made no arrests. An internal investigation vindicated the agents. We, the people, have become the victims of a war of terror being perpetrated by our own government. The war is characterized by the militarization of domestic policing in small towns all across America. The increasingly frequent use of SWAT teams for routine execution of drug warrants for simple marijuana possession is part of that war. Executing unconstitutional warrants by smashing down doors, using diversionary explosive grenades and similar urban warfare tactics are now everyday occurrences on American soil. Our government has created a black market in which a common weed, cannabis, is worth more than its weight in gold. This artificially created, incredibly lucrative market is responsible for the violence and death associated with much of the drug dealing around the world. The problems associated with marijuana didn't exist prior to the 1930s, when our government made the plant illegal. To solve this problem of its own fabrication, our government created an army of paramilitary drug warriors, armed them with military weapons and equipment, and unleashed them on us. If drug czar Walters is looking for “armed, dangerous, violent criminal terrorists,” he need look no further than the drug warriors that he and others of his ilk have created. It's time to address the real terrorist threat, and demand that our government end this war against its own people
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross [SIZE=+1]BATFE TO RED'S: STOP EXPOSING US![/SIZE] <small>JPFO ^ | 7/26/07 | n/a</small> <small>Posted on 07/27/2007 9:55:54 AM PDT by kiriath_jearim</small> We've been keeping our readers abreast of the trials endured by Red's Trading Post, Idaho's oldest gun shop, which has been targeted by the BATFE. You can read our previous updates on Red's (as well as links to news articles on this travesty) at www.jpfo.org/redstradingpost.htm or visit Red's own site at www.redstradingpost.com . Despite having won an injuction to keep their business running, Red's is _still_ being harassed, seemingly because owner Ryan Horsley continues to speak publicly about the situation. On Tuesday of this week, David Codrea revealed in his "War on Guns" blog that BATFE agents "...had threatened [Ryan Horsley] that he needed to cease all blogging and keep their agents and inspectors free from being photographed or observed, or they would go to the judge and file a complaint of harassment." You can read the blog and the complaint that the ATF subsequently filed against Horsley's exercise of the First Amendment here: http://waronguns.blogspot.com/2007/07/breaking-news-batfu-accuses-reds-of.html or http://tinyurl.com/2lv4ze . We'd like to draw your attention especially to the line "...videotaping and photographing of ATF personnel is not disallowed by law or regulation; howevever, the use of those images ... are subject to certain restrictions." Considering the number of newsclips in which the ATF is featured bursting heroically into a houseful of alleged terrorists, those restrictions on video or photographs apparently only apply when they show the ATF in a bad light. As desperately afraid the ATF is of having their firearms tests documented by videotape, one can hardly be surprised by this attitude. We also found the following statement interesting: "[After an employee videotaped an inspection] Red's was notified that these images were not to be used _for any documentary_ or without the consent of the ATF." (emphasis ours). JPFO has produced two documentaries that show the BATFE in a bad light, _BATFE Fails the Test_ ( http://shop.jpfo.org/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=38 ) and _The Gang_ ( www.thegangmovie.com ). BATFE knows this, and knows that we've been closely monitoring the situation at Red's. Could this have been a ploy to prevent us from publicizing Red's case in a future documentary? We urge you to read the complaint. The ATF wants to hide its dirty deeds -- it's up to us to expose them for what they are. Share the links with everyone you know, and remember: the more people who see _The Gang_, the sooner we can shut down this rogue agency. - The Liberty Crew
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross UC is a book I definetly want to read. I had found somewhere at some time either the whole thing on line or at least part of it. I read the first couple of chapters and was hooked. Unfortunatly, life got in the way and I forgot about it. I'm just about done with the "Left Behind" series (again) so when that is done, I'll have to find this book and read it.
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross Man reading the"war on guns" blogs talking about red's I feel I've stepped in to the book ( unintended Consequences): Frustrated agents step outside to make hushed cell calls while performing a simple audit of a gun shop...Then the lead agent returns,returns the logs as if to snap her fingers and says "we're done"! Red's manager recording their audit and publishing a description of the the agents' car and hotel.
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross Interesting matters of note: 1. There are no illegal machine guns in the United States, only untaxed ones. It is also the only tax that if you are delinquent on, you do not pass go and you do not collect $200.00; you go straight to jail. You do not have the option of just paying the tax and forgetting about it. 2. The 2ond amendment prevented the government from prohibiting any type of firearm so they picked out a few favorites and applied a tax stamp to them. 3. This is specifically about interstate commerce and has nothing to do with private ownership or illegalities. Catch-22: The BATF counts on you "John Q. Citizen" not having the knowledge of this simple little bit of information and will threaten and coerce you into plea-bargaining away your rights to a lesser felony offense rather than risking the 10s of thousands of dollars that lawyers would require to get you off.
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross A couple of other good reads are "Enemies Foriegn and Domestic", and "Domestic Enemies". Also "Patriots" by JWR. All very eye opening...
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross OK, I'm pulling up a long forgotten thread, oh well. I was just looking online at getting a copy of UC to read, but, holy cow most places want $150+ for the book, used!! I did find one place that had it for $60, but that's still too expensive for my blood. Anybody have a copy that I can borrow? I'll pay for shipping both ways and promise to get it back as soon as I can. Thanks
Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Rross The .pdf I have is nearly 4 megs, I can email it though; just sent it to EL and Mountainman.