This is interesting......
Trusts owning firearms is nothing new. Jim Brady (my favorite vegetable) and Sarah Brady are BIG TIME full auto owners and the guns are owned by a trust (this is all easily looked up if you want). Chucky Heston, who opposed gun ownership for anyone who wasn't rich/an eletist (see Neal Knox's HARDCORE REPORT on old Chucky, don't get mad at me for telling you the truth) and publicly opposed the sheeple from owning semi-auto and especially FULL-auto guns has a special vault built under his house to conceal his HUGE full auto collection!! All in a trust of course, so HE didn't "own" them naturally.
Search the site, there were quite a few discussions a couple years ago on trust and full auto weapons.
Not really a surprise about Heston, he supported GCA 1968. Didn't you wonder why he held up a flintlock when he said "From my cold dead hands" ? The NRA writes the gun control laws.