Not sure why they lied about its effectiveness....the .gov would have required it anyway. They don't know the effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccine and still required that at birth. A$$hats.
I just say "NO!" to flu vaccines! I trust to the body's defenses. If the endemic flu kills me one day, then it's my bad luck.
When an elderly neighbor got pneumonia a few months ago, the doctors had trouble finding an antibiotic that would work. When her husband told me that, I felt like calling up the hospital and yelling at the doctors to get their heads outta the drug companies' butts and then tell them to start giving her things to boost her body's natural defenses/immunities.
Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness if she had a drug-resistant form. Drug-resistant strain of pneumonia shows up in Southern California
And that is the problem with vaccines/pharmaceuticals. All they accomplish is more virulent/deadly strains of diseases. Common sense(aka proper hygeine and diet) would probably get rid of alot of health risks. But no money is to be made off them, so why bother?
I would say the problem stems from over-prescription and near 100% use on animals, rather than just their existence. I don't want to go back to the days prior to vaccines or antibiotics........
You can have my share of vaccines/modern meds. As far as animals goes there are a growing number of us that are vac/med free OGM