Very Best MH Prices Ever thru Today Only; Prices Rise a Bit 9/8 but Freebies Get Easier

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by JC Refuge, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    The BEST Mountain House Sale Discounts End Tonight! As you know by now--for the entire month of September, we are providing unprecedented discounts on all our #10-can varieties--the prepper's dream: the ultimate 30-year shelf life food. All month long, our discounts will be far greater than ever before offered.

    Be advised though, we are offering the very best discounts thru September 7. Our average MH can-case discount is now 49%!

    After that the MH discounts will still be huge, but we will also be offering a ridiculous freebie package from Sept. 8 thru the rest of the month that we need to account for. (See the Food, Fire & Filter Bucket info below under the Week-10 header.) so starting at midnight eastern time tonight, our average MH discount will be adjusted to 47%.

    But starting at that time, the much anticipated FFFF deal kicks off!

    Reminder--our club members not only are enjoying these great prices, but the various significant incentives our programs like Royalty Rewards, Fortify to Survive, and Loyalty Royalty have to offer as well. The layers of opportunities here for you to take advantage of are crazy.

    See more in today's member email.
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