Although humorous it is obviously not Microsoft code: 1) It weighs less than 500 lbs for the kernel alone 2) It can be easily understood 3) There are no known viruses already released for that code version 4) I didn't have to buy ten times the drive and memory space in order to view or run it 5) The code is still compatible with all my existing MS software 6) Need I go on? I just read an article yesterday that questioned whether Windows is on its last legs. Less than 10% of enterprises have converted to Vista. It is even more bloated than previous versions.
Latest rumor is that XP support will be extended, and that Windows will get another release in 09. Wish I knew what that means in practical terms. I think maybe Billy realized he's shot himself in the foot with Vista. There's another rumor that M$ has received a petition with 110,000 private owner sigs to retain XP support. One might hope they pay attention.