And when everything reaches critical mass, the elites and their favored retreat to their DUMB's while the rest of the world self destructs. How do the remaining people fight a supremely technologically advanced, defended and well stocked enemy that can reside in cities 4 miles beneath the surface? But it's never too late to hold these PIGS accountable for their crimes:
Cities 4 miles underground you say? How about a siphon hose and the Great Lakes or the ocean. Use that method all the time with ground squirrels.
Yep, They got to BREATH. That far down, they also have to pump out the collecting water, or drown. Also they will need a way to dump HEAT, to keep from roasting themselves, and they can't use the earth as that is where the heat is coming from.... Not a really practical place to build a redoubt, in the long term. Flood the Air inputs, Plug the Heat Exhaust Ports, and Plug the Pump Outputs, and they will scurry out of their holes, like the Rats they are..... .....
It depends on where they drill. The geothermal gradient is lesser in thicker crust zones, but in average areas the temperature can rise about 30 degrees per kilometer past a certain depth. I imagine a lot of time and effort went in to the DUMB's in order to accommodate temperature changes. And the Earth's crust is anywhere from 20 to 30 miles or more in depth. Seed Vault: The bases aren't for us: With approximately 140 in America and about 1,500 DUMB's worldwide, we can easily see where the black budget money is going.
One summer when I was a teenager, I worked for the local lumber mill. One day one of the owners and I delivered a load of lumber to what is known as Site R. I thought it was odd that one of the owners wanted to drive the truck and unload it; however as he said he'd never forget it and neither have I. To build it they tunneled under a mountain and the doors are thick. It would take a very serious effort to break in.
Take out the Antennas, Flood the Air Input holes, Bury the Entrance Tunnel, and let those inside Rot...... Not a big issue....
Yeah, looking at Google Earth, the two main entrances were there in 1988, too. The whole mountain is fenced off, with the peak at around 1500 ft. elevation, and the entrances near the base at about 800 ft. It is definitely secured.
What can be secured from the inside can be secured from the outside - the 'shelter' becomes a 'prison'. Keep the rats inside to feed on each other...... They likely do not realise if the S truly hits the fan, their 'security guards' will vanish, leaving them defenseless........
It was in the early 1960s. If you are curious, an image search at Google for Raven Rock Mountain Complex. The site has been declassified and they give tours of it. Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site R Tour Edit It was a secret for years; yet, all the locals knew. When I grew up America was a different place.