Waist high gardens

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by dbamsch, Jan 29, 2011.


    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I have since come to terms that the veggies I grow out side will be unhealthy since the chem trails are all over this town now. looks like I will be again back to getting my veggies from a green house sale and dehydrating. UGH not going to spend a ton on building one, will just do sprouts for the nutrients and have enough dehydrated veggies to live on.
  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    dbmasch> Try as I might.... I can't find any photos without residents in them to post for you. I'd drive back to get some for you but the area is inaccessible at this time of year and when it is accessible.... the residents are using it. I can't post photos with any residents in them without making sure that everyone in the photo has a release on file.... some don't. I'm really sorry I'm coming up empty handed on photos for you but.... I did find this that might give you some ideas. It was purely ornamental which doesn't cut it for me. I took the photos because I saw possibilities for growing herbs at an accessible level for differently-abled.

    adding something I keep forgetting to add- there's another member named hank that had some ideas for waist-high. They ended up in a software thread accidentally. Check out posts #8 and #11 here, http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum/green-patch/27791-free-software-square-foot-gardeners.html.
    img_0148. img_0150.
  3. dbamsch

    dbamsch Monkey+++

    Well I finally found enough used lumber to put together a triple tub raised bed planter for Momma. Came out pretty well although it would have been lighter if I would have had 2 x 4's to use instead of 4 x 4 and 2 x 6's. But, a good way to use up scrap lumber. Was even able to add a shelf to one end per her request.
    Picture 002. Picture 005. Picture 007. Picture 008.
  4. dbamsch

    dbamsch Monkey+++

    Thought I would post a picture of Ma's garden stand. It works! And the best thing is she is happy. She is feeding herself and her mother with fresh salads every day.
    Waist High Garden.JPG
  5. toydoc

    toydoc Monkey+++

    waist high

    We found that same site and built some. We have gotten some lettuce from it already. My building skills are not good so no show-n-tell.
  1. Ganado
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  9. Hosster
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  11. TexasAggie
  12. tommixx
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