Warning from Iran...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by melbo, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    There are two fixes for the situation that can be attempted.

    One is the utter extinction of the Islamic religion which includes a grand hunt for any person that practices, preaches or promotes it. This is unacceptable in any form. You cannot deny anyone their right to practice whichever religion they wish. Also, you cannot go about killing people for practicing a religion. We would be like the Nazis were. That is one way and which is unacceptable.

    The other way is that the muslims and the Israelis hold tight to their current property and forgive any wrongs done in the past. Have nothing further to do with each other out of isolationism or out of direct attack on the other.

    Those are the two options that I see. Will they work? The second has a way better chance of working than the first one and the second one has two chances of working. Slim and none. Current information shows Slim is sliding out of town.

    There may be some parties that would agree to break all ties and go about the rest of their lives, though there are those that will not give nor ask forgiveness and they will fight to the death. Whether that death be innocents or themselves. 'Some people you just can't reach.'

    So there is no easy way out, if at all. The fighting will continue until the world ceases spinning and even then maybe some. Some people are just ignorant enough that when faced with truth, they think they can hide from it. When you have no protection and someone shoots you in the head, you are bound to die. That is truth. Some like to think themselves supermen. Well when they lie cold and lifeless in a crypt they will figure it out.

    I can leave it to your knowledge of who would lay down arms if that was the end for eternity. And I know that you can tell who those that will keep fighting are. So the battle goes on.
  2. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    There's a fix but all the events have yet to take place, unless you're an aetheist, then it's just a bunch of squabbling that has been going on for centuries.
  3. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    While Im definatly a strong advocate of freedom of religion I do figure that it, like all rights, dose have limits and the basic litmus test for where those limits would be when it brings harm to others. We have the right to keep and bear arms but that dosnt mean we have the right to use school kids for target practice, we have the right to free speach but that dosent give us the right to yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre causing a riot and stampeed and we have the right to practice whatever religion we choose but that dosent mean we have the right to kill or enslave others if our religion calls us to do so. When I say 'we' I refer to all human beings because these rights dont come from governments but are the natural rights of all humans among other rights but when you attempt to use these rights in a way that harms others then you forfit rights and when you attempt to use them to slaughter those who are not of your religion then you forfit your right to breath. So I would have to say that if a given sect or sects of the religion want to try to 'destroy the infedel' then they are no longer the victim and whoever exterminates them is no longer the Nazi and exterminating those who wish to destroy all who are not of their view need to be exterminated. If there are those in the Muslim world who are willing to stand up and say the ones who attack others are wrong and stand opposed to them rather than support, hide and assist them then by all means they have the right to follow their beliefs if not then send them all to their reward.
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