Here is a very nice 3Kw Onan diesel Genset with Liquid Cooling, and Heat Exchanger...... it is very reasonable, and can make a very nice Home Backup GenSet....... onan marine 3kw diesel genset
It's the "RAW WATER" cooling that would concern me. I've seen heads & blocks that eaten out . It's nasty salt water when the iron has no nickel in the mix. I have a Yanmar Diesel in the sailboat , Raw water , Every 5 /7 years I go thru a exhaust mixing elbow. Edit , I missed this : "with fw system (ht exch)". So then that's a deal
The Raw Water impeller being in need of repair, isn't a big deal if you figure on adding a Radiator in the Fresh Water Cooling Loop. I have two of these model GenSets, and they are very easy to work on and work around issues such as this. I put an Import Car Radiator in that Loop, and the use the Heat Exchanger to bring those Cooling BTUs into my Beach Cabin, for local heating. If the Heat Exchanger is moving BTUs into the Cabin, the Radiator never gets hot enough to turn on the Electric Fan that blows Air thru it. If the BTUs do get to the Radiator, then it's internal Temp rises above the 190F set point on the Fan Switch, and the Air, blown thru removes them to outside Air. If you use the 3Kw of Electrical Power, you can figure you will have 3Kw of those Cooling BTUs to use to heat the cabin, and another 3Kw of BTUs going up the Exhaust Stack, that about half of can be recovered, I a water Jacketed Exhaust System..... .... And these are very Fuel efficient, as well....
The Raw Water impeller being in need of repair, isn't a big deal if you figure on adding a Radiator in the Fresh Water Cooling Loop. I have two of these model GenSets, and they are very easy to work on and work around issues such as this. I put an Import Car Radiator in that Loop, and the use the Heat Exchanger to bring those Cooling BTUs into my Beach Cabin, for local heating. If the Heat Exchanger is moving BTUs into the Cabin, the Radiator never gets hot enough to turn on the Electric Fan that blows Air thru it. If the BTUs do get to the Radiator, then it's internal Temp rises above the 190F set point on the Fan Switch, and the Air, blown thru removes them to outside Air. If you use the 3Kw of Electrical Power, you can figure you will have 3Kw of those Cooling BTUs to use to heat the cabin, and another 3Kw of BTUs going up the Exhaust Stack, that about half of can be recovered, I a water Jacketed Exhaust System..... .... And these are very Fuel efficient, as well....
Yes Thats what I was thinking also BT. Says the raw water pump is failed & no longer available thru Owen. Good setup on yours .. You didn't have problems getting parts ? beside being more northern than myself. Sloth Strange alot of double posts showing up .
No, Parts are fairly available for J Series Onans.... The Raw Water Impellers are around, but not as available as a current Production Item. I see them on eBay every so often. I also have a GREAT source for Onan Stuff, as I am an ASST. Chief Moderator over on, where there is an extensive Onan Generator Forum, and plenty of Resident SmartGuys, that know where to dig up Good Used Parts, for them.
OK thanks BT , Im trying to talk to the selling gent & pick up the unit next week . Im going on most folks are above board & good. Paypal but wants cash now. I can't get away till then because of family on both sides of the 49. Anything can be better than the 3600 rpm screaming demon i have now .I have NO problem with adaptions as what yours has gone thru. Sloth
This nice gent say's he has manuals & spare bits also. After I said next week offered Paypal (glad i didn't say Bitcoin ) & Im ok with the price , he stopped the e-mail comms .. I do find many craiglist folks are kurt somedayz . Sloth
KURT is not the WORDS id use now !! I travelled from 7am Friday Morn to get into WA (just north of Seattle) by 5 pm,,, Rough Seas put the WSF ferry's late.I knew the water crossing was putting me behind, sent updated e-mail ,, Dude said Friday afternoon or Saturday ,, Dude e-mailed me on Sat 11;AM saying no don't bother coming , because the Sea-hawks are playing !!!!!! WTF !! 300 beans gone on the weekend & didn't even get to see squat .. Karma will always catch-up..
I would have told him I'm on route and will be there in "x" number of minutes. Have it ready and waiting.
Or he just ran across someone else to sell it to and really didn't care if you got there.. That is what was rude.. The fact that you wasted resources and effort to make a meeting on time just to be blowen off??