Wash. state politician says bicycles bad for environment, need to be taxed - Seattle Political Buzz | Examiner.com We reap what we sow when we allow morons to be elected to office.
Just wait, since we all put out CO2 just by breathing, it won't be long before we are regulated by the EPA just for the fact that we exist. Although they should go after vegetarians first because we all know they put out more greenhouse gas than eaters of dead animals like me In all seriousness, we all knew this was coming. The only question now is how far will the people of america let these politicians go before they say enough is enough. 5 years ago I had people tell me there is no way we will pay $4 a gallon for gas, there would be riots in the streets I was told. Well we are here, and no riots.
It has been my experience with Seattlites that those who ride bicycles to work and on a regular basis tend to be democrats and liberals. Not all, but most. So now they turn on their own. Just goes to show that a liberal aint happy until nobody's happy.
Just hard to believe. Bottom line is---they cannot stand to see bikes go untaxed---or anything we own.
Ya know, every day I think more and more about buying a turkey fryer burner, a 5 gallon can of roofing tar and a couple down pillows.
And then there is that "Wooden Rail" that needs to be used, to "Help these Folks" head out of the State, in their Feathered condition....
And what dear "Son of LIberty" might you be thinking of doing with it? Could it be for a warm reception for the Kings man?
Taxed on emissions? Nah. Licensed? Absolutely! Those funds can be used to support some of the costs for bike-friendly roads. I would love to see those that benefit from all of the specialized lanes help pay for them. My roads have been re-lined to allow for bike lanes. Residential neighborhoods have lost house-front parking. For? Bike lanes! Heaven forbid that you drive downtown Weirdland - the majority of riders there do not follow the rules of the road. They run stop signs, failure to yield, speed, and are a hazard to share the road with.
As long as every citizen can reserve the right to "opt-out" of any social program or licensing contract, I am for it. But, I am betting that, like all government policies, this one will also come with a, "please voluntarily comply or we will have to shoot you" label.
Next some of you will be thinking it's a good idea to tax sidewalks and hiking paths. Be careful what you wish for.
Too late. Great Smoky Mountain National Park just started a permit fee for hikers. But you can drive a car all around the park for free. The interesting part is that if you do the math, the funds collected will just be enough to pay for the system they put in place to collect and enforce the fees. So in the end you pay the fee so they have enough money to collect fees By the way, the trails are all maintained by volunteers.
I was thinking the exactly the same thing. The original talking point for bicycle lanes was to encourage people to not drive, relieving traffic congestion and take their bicycle instead. A public service. Thus saving fuel, reducing pollution and relieving traffic congestion. On a side note a liberal friend of mine near Seattle said he didn't mind paying even more taxes as long as he got what he paid for. Well since the government has been printing money to cover the shortcoming of taxes collected forever, I wonder what he'll think when he actually has to pay and re-pay all that deficit spending. I mean my friend no harm but I doubt he realizes the real cost of all those entitlements and what it really is going cost him. Honestly I think we’re all going to find out pretty soon.
I think they oughta make Mopeds get a License, Tag, And Insurance. After all, they just underpowered Motorcycles!!!