Water storage...looks good!

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by bnmb, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    To answer the question about how to fill them after the power/water is off. Use a large storage tote for the container instead of the bathtub. Run a garden hose from your hot water heater drain nozzle into the waterbob. Open the hot water heater drain valve and it should be able to drain 1/2 to 2/3 of the hot water storage into the container before gravity equalizes. You can then use jugs or pitchers to collect the rest of the water from the hot water tank. If your hot water tank is raised or can be raised this helps to drain the total amount.
  2. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

  3. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    i wouldnt try it i think the fuel would eat rigt threw it ...
    Just my opinion ...
    I would ask btpost ...{of course i wrote this with out reading the rest of the post some some one probably already did ...}
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    See Post #17 in this thread, for the Fuel Use answer.....
  5. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    I knew i should have kept reading ..
    BTPost likes this.
  6. William Antrum

    William Antrum GunMetal Monkey

    [shtf] Also bleach will kill or remove any "toxic" items in all but "fuel & oil " containers made out of Plastic and if you are really worried about chemicals pay more money and buy a used Keg which is glass lined.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    As I look at all those green Question Mark avatars I start to go crosseyed and get confused. Being an aged Social Security recipient I am often forgiven or otherwise allowed to be confused. How is that for a trip off on a tangent course?
    Well back to Avatars. It would really be nice for us olde pharts if some of you, a majority I would hope, would pick an Avatar from the stock ones provided, or ask someone at the shoutbox on how to import any picture you chose for an Avatar.
    Please please please pick an Avatar. Thanks at least for reading this. [touchdown]
  8. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    If I could manage to get an avitar {and change it once }anyone can do it ... this is crap and we need results ....
  9. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Anybody know if these things work OUTSIDE of a bathtub? If so, what kind of containment? I'm kind of thinking of a 6' snap pool and 2 of them. I live in earthquake country, and I already have one on the way, but alternatives are always nice.
  10. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    they need to be supported .... the flexibility of the bob conforms to the tub wall shape ..... you could use an old tub or an animal water trough ..... if constructed correctly a wooden "coffin" would suffice .... you just need to remember the weight .... we are talking just shy of 800 lbs not counting the overall container ....
  11. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    If I fill that sucker with water, I ain't lugging it around, y'know? I'd put it on the ground and fill it from there. Thanks for the coffin idea. I think I have an old prop in the garage ...
  12. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    One could also just dig a hole in the ground for the containment of the container....
    DMGoddess likes this.
  13. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Great idea. All I need are the dimensions of an average bathtub, and I'm set. Not a problem. Now, what to do with the hole in the meantime ... but I have a few ideas. [peep]
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    great, you have a spare coffin, and you are burying it in the yard....i'm sure that wouldn't raise any eyes....:eek:
  15. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Not coming from me. My neighbor behind me knows I'm nuts. My neighbor on my left is an old woman who can't see through the fence, and my neighbors on my right are all pot-smoking boozers that work in the entertainment industry. Yeah, the cops are TOTALLY going to believe them, after they bust them for the pot.
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Around here, unwanted bathtubs are all over the place. I picked up two claw foot ones (without the claws) for the price of getting them off the lot, and I see a lot of the regular style ones on Craigslist that are being dumped after a remodel. If one were so inclined, one could collect a few of the heavier, cast iron enameled ones, put a bag in each, and stack them 2 or three high in the garage against the wall.
  17. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Better get a couple friends to help you pack and stack those cast iron tubs, depending on the length and depth they can be 300-400 lbs. Depending on the manufacturer a new 6ft. Double Slipper clawfoot tub is over 350 lbs.
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    plus the weight of water(after installation)
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I have never seen this or heard of the WaterBob. I love this idea. I often thought about the cleanliness of water from the tub due to soap and cleaning chemicals that we use in there. This makes it drinkable.

    Also available on Amazon
    Yard Dart likes this.
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I'll have to see if I can find a source here locally. I've been spec'ing out large storage options, but tanks I've located seem to be close to $1/gallon without shipping.
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