Copied No permanent damage, response is immediate. I think a pretty humane way to obtain critical intelligence without brutalizing the issues here. Clipmark ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My post Might be a useful technique to know if you caught someone after shtf doing recon on your place. A simple technique to obtain info. Jason
But it is torture? Torture ranges from tickling feet to anything short of killing. "Whatever it takes to keep the US safe" is a very broad statement. Some policy makers would agree that the USA would be a lot safer without these dangerous gun owners. Not to say I wouldn't water board someone under certain situations, but I would have no excuse when I accept the consequences because I believe it is torture, while the gov twists definitions so that it does not accept the consequences. EDIT: Or we can avoid this discussion, because it's large and complex. And we can just talk about the effects and benefits of waterboarding.
Sorry i copy and pasted some of the info. I don't agree to whatever it takes as i think we have lost too many freedoms already. Gonna update the post. Jason
Is that dude with the guns you captured sneaking around at your BOL a lone wolf or a scout for a larger, more heavily armed group looking to overrun you, kill you and take your stuff? Morals will be sorely tested in a WROL/SHTF situation.
Falcon15, you forgot, not only KILL you but enslave your womenfolk, and use them for slaves, of ALL types......
I would prefer to use water boarding as opposed to other tortures, you know you're not really causing severe damage or killing someone, but you can also keep them alive for further questioning and ransom. Add in that blood is very unhygienic, who knows what pathogens people will carry post SHTF.
Who dug up this old dead horse. Didn't we argue until all were blue in the face before. Is it torture? That depends on who you ask. Would I personally resort to torture (regardless of your defination) on an enemy post SHTF. YES, and I make no apologies. My place will be the one with rotting enemy heads on poles near the boundries of my secure area. Y'all do what you feel is adequate and that you can live with to protect you and yours. I will do the same.
When SHTF/WROL happens, if sum MZB sneaking around my Base, then he better HOPE for Waterboarding to get info out of him. Cuz I got a few spare batteries & jumper cables, he is GOING to Talk. An I would feel no remorse or guilt for it. My Loved ones are far more important than sum scumbag seeking to end their lives. So yeah, he'll definately find Religion in the process, but he will confess everything up to & including stealing a pencil in Kindergarten!
12 volt car batteries, jumper cables, salt water, and sponges. No muss, no fuss, they talk. They talk fast.
Sharp branch lopper - a joint at a time....disables him and he talks... no need to wait for him to think about it it - 1 joint - then another...1 minute later another...He WILL talk... The enemy is the enemy...I am trained to think worst case scenario ( in all aspects of my life ) and work my way back - that way I am occasionally pleasantly surprised when things turn out alright. Remember Edmund Burke “There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men.”
When the final SHTF it will be a war a war for survival ther will be no one to step in and say stop that you cant kill that family for their food. People will be killing just to kill, killing to take other's food, water, They will rape and destroy everthing in their path. People are evil by nature and that where we as the protector's of our family and group has to stop it. If they find my safe house I will do what ever needed to protect mine and get the information needed to do so. That's one of the biggest things that bothers me about our country and war. Why we follow rules and treat the enemy humane the enemy dose whats needed for them to win a war and we lose soldiers. War is not humane it dose not need to be on Fox news because there are so many bleeding hearts that feel for the enemy. Look at the enemy civilans when they show our soldiers killed and mistreated they dance in the streets and cheer. Our country see's the reality of war and call for our soliers to have criminal charges. We have seen what other countries do to our soldiers and citizen's behead them, beat them, ask a WWII or Veitnam vet or POW If you can get them to trust you and tell you a few stories it will make you sick. So I agree do what it takes because they will.
The advantage of waterboarding to me is, what if it's just some dude trying to get home taking the shortest route through your property. I don't want to staple, cut, chop, dice or saw someone up and find out they have family in the next town over they were trying to get too. No sense bring unneeded justification upon your ass. Jason
If he's harmless, he won't fail to do the courteous thing and ask permission before taking a trespassing shortcut.
the problem i have with torture is that if the perso doing the torturing doesnt know what they are doing the subject will confess to anything to make the torture stop. hence the spanish inquision..... Also....if the government is going to do it, you do not try to put the guy on trial afterwards. torture is unconstitutional and verboten. torture is outlawed in a lot of treaties our government has signed over the years. So if you are going to torture dont put it in memos you dont release the videos and you dont put them on trial for war crimes. do the deed then sss.... And im sorry.....waterboarding is torture....