How The World Nuked Itself Over 2,000 Times | zero hedge You guys HAVE to watch this clip.. I had my cup of coffee in my hand the entire time.. and I never took a sip out of it until it was over.. I simply had no idea.
That's insane. Might be the reason that so many people have "mystery diseases" instead of corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.
Holy crap! It's like some unGodly video game..... I had NO idea there had been so many blasts. No wonder this old Earth is getting cranky - she's had nuclear indigestion for decades.
Looks like france nuked the beejeezus out of some Pacific sealife........ don't they know, that's how Godzilla came to be? Some years were really 'active' - 1958, 1962/3, 1968......
Wow. That video was pretty cool. You know, for surviving a nuclear holocaust, I feel surprisingly good.