What a bunch of "Pussies".....,

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BTPost, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Bunch of animals using religion as a tool to suppress others...... God will have his judgement day on them.... until that point, kill them all.... let God sort them out!!!
    Dunerunner and oldawg like this.
  2. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    My family is Basque, also known as the vascones, the only Gallic tribe to never be conquered. The basques fought the moors throughout the Moorish occupation of spain and were key to the defeat of the moors. This is a source of family pride that is still talked about to this day. The Basques are still fighting tyranny to this day. My dad says our health disrespect for clergy and authority figures is genetic and comes from the basque part of our family.
  3. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I lived in a small town in northern Nevada that had a number of Basque people who settled there. They used to hold a festival every year. Interesting culture, even had their own language. The town had several restaurants supposedly based on Basque cuisine.

    From what I understand, they inhabit the mountainous border region between France and Spain. So there are French Basque and Spanish Basque. And from what one local Spanish Basque fellow told me, they don't really like each other all that much.

    I have to plead ignorance about most of that culture though.
    Marck, vonslob and Ganado like this.
  4. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    so I googled 'bunch of pussies' to try to get a visual on this ;)
    Found this which was pretty cute

    and this:

    VisuTrac, Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Omg that bunch of kittens idk how he led them all
  6. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I count 11 so you know it's 12 or 13
  7. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I got 12. An even dozen
    melbo and ghrit like this.
  8. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member



    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    Motomom34 and Ganado like this.
  9. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Group hug!
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, a dozen.
    Ganado and melbo like this.
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I either missed the guy in the middle or the one at lower right on first count.
  12. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Now melbo your just teasing with Dem emotes
    Motomom34 likes this.
  13. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

  14. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    I believe the split between the two began while Rome was still in power. The French Basques siding with Rome is what caused the split, that is what I have been told. The Spanish Basque fought the Carthaginian Generals Husdrubal, Hamilcar and Hannibal. They also fought against Rome.
  15. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Bruce is ready for a fight. I can feel it in his post . :) Freedom is not something easily earned as we found out. It is however easily lost. We found that out as well.
    Dunerunner, BTPost and Ganado like this.
  16. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    This would be the U.S. with refugee's impacting the cities, should a major disaster or civil unrest spread across the country. Fear would run rampant, the lack of the government's ability to maintain order in outlying areas would cause mass migration to areas where people would feel safer, have shelter and food along with the illusion of being protected.

    Like a school of fish, they will group together for protection from predation....
    Yard Dart likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I am safe from, such "Hordes".... Winter is coming and none of these folks could live out here, on their own.... and if any could do so,
    they would be "Neighbors" not Hordes.....
  18. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    @BTPost, I see some Chinese war ships got within 12 miles of your AO. WTF??????????
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    They aren't much of a Navy... They are up there, NOW, during the Best Weather of the whole year.... I "Double Dog Dare" them to try that cruise, in the Middle of January..... A Bunch of Fair-weather Sailers, those Asians...... They are about 1500 miles, northwest of me... Alaska is a VERY BIG Place....
  20. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    Ganado, BTPost, oldawg and 1 other person like this.
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