Hiya... With all the diversity of firearms, preferences, and all, and if you have a group (friends) set up, but not belong to a militia type group, what firearms does your group have? How consolidated are you? My group is not consolidated at all...*chucklin* I'll start first with my firearms and then branch out to the others in the group. I have: two 1911's [300rds each](One for son and other for me) two .22 pistols [1000rds](one for wife and one for daughter) one 12ga 8rds [various loads, about 300rds--need more](mine) one 12ga 6rds (sons) one 8mm Mauser [300rds](backup) one .22 bolt rifle, 15 rd tube mag [shares the 1000rds](lite duty) one HK91 [1500rds](my main battle rifle, 2-6 power Tasco) one title II Mp5 clone [1200rds](wife's semi auto, EOTech Holo sight, laser and flashlight) one Sten (semi auto--backup] Reloading gear: Lee single stage press Lee Loadmaster press Enough powder, bullets (make my own lead bullets) and primers to load 1000 each of .223, 9mm, and .45 Dies for .308, .223, .30-30, .45, 9mm, .38 special Other members in the group: one Title II S&W AR15 (EOTech Holo sight, laser and flashlight) one LWRC AR15 (night vision) one 20ga (standard upland game shotgun) one Ruger SR9 one Barret 98B .338 one Barret 99 .50 one SIG 250 Compact 9mm (threaded barrel with suppressor) one thermal imager And we're not done yet! What's your group have for defense?
When you say load out I think of load bearing like as in carry . Looks like some nice stuff though . Y'all must be thinking of staying put . As far as mine ,not enough as of yet .
OPSEC Considerations forbid disclosing full out tactical load. Lets just say, we are very consolidated, caliber-wise and equipment wise.
Guns...... ammo...... perish the thought. All men are brothers, living in peace and harmony. Well, according to the Libs.......
Aww, I'm not worried of what I post here. Most of that stuff isn't near me and the rest will be sold next week at a gun show...*wicked evil grin*
All I have is a ball peen hammer left after the tragic tactical wheelbarrow accident. Nice thing is it never runs out of ammo.
There was a long thread a while back that discussed whether it was better to store the reloading components or make everything you can into a usable cartridge. I'm too lazy to search for it right now... There have been a few places selling 5,000 rounds of 22LR for less than $180 -- you can get a reasonable cache that will go a long way and save using other expensive ammo. The 22LR is great for training, hunting, pest control, and more - getting 10 or 20 thousand rounds now before metal prices get out of hand may be a good investment.
At a couple small animals/day, that comes to roughly 6 years of hunting ammo. I second the motion to stack the .22 LR deep.
My group has much more than my 1000 rds of .22. And I'd consider it to be a very useful barter item as well.
I've lost or sold everything also, but surely wouldn't want to add any new calibers. 22, 223, 308, 30-06, 7.62x39, 9mm, 357 ought to cover it. Except I gave away my only shotgun to a buddy years ago, so maybe adding one more caliber is in the cards. $20 for 550 rounds 22 walmart performed better than supposedly better stuff at last shoot. 5000 rounds minimum wouldn't drain the bank.
I got caught flatfooted in '08 during the ammo & firearms panic. Let's just say it ain't gonna happen again.
I am a simple man with simple everyday calibers. .22, .45, .223, .308. 12GA . I got just the bag for you. Fill er up!