What It Was Like Growing Up

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by deMolay, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    When i lived in Big Bear lake California it was like another world separate from the city , a small town that every one knew you and you did what was necessary to maintain a good reputation . Kids then had a hard time realizing the value of that, and now it is nonexistent .
    Voluntary socialized behavior is far different than government force fed socialism .
    When one helps another out of mercy , usually there is gratitude that translates into that person returning the favor and helping others and so on.
    But when it is government instituted, there is no gratitude but a sense of entitlement . or the favor is a hook to be called on for something darker.
    I have been on both sides of charity , I help others , others have helped me. among these there is no expectation of direct return but that of helping others voluntarily along the way .
    I understand that there are old ways of favor contracts like the mob uses , which may become more common like barter post SHTF.
    Be careful of whom you ask help .
    deMolay and HK_User like this.
  2. wideym

    wideym Monkey+++

    I was "raised" by a single mother beautician. I know more about women's hair and fashion than any straight man should. My grandfather was frustrated that I didn't know a know a socket wrench from a pipe wrench or that I didn't know how to properly raise a steer or hog. Until one day I, equally frustrated, let him know that my mother didn't teach me those things and that it was kinda hard to raise animals in an apartment complex in town.

    Once he understood those things we got along great and he did teach me a few thing until girls became an object of fascination in my young mind.
    oldman11, Cruisin Sloth and HK_User like this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Kind of like my younger days.... My father was a City Boy, grew up and graduated from U of Wasington in Banking, worked as an FDIC Auditor during WW II... A Professional TYPE...Never knew much about anthing rural or country... So when I became interested in such things as an 8 year old, he hooked me up with my GodFather, who had a Quarter Section Hobby Farm, out near. Yelm, Washington, that he would work, on weekends... on my 8th Birthday, I was told I was old enough to go with Uncle Henry, one weekend a month, down to “The Farm”... (Mother insisted I be in church the other three Sundays) I learned everything I know about hunting, cows, haying, guns, country living, and farming during those weekends, on the farm... He had a two room cabin, wood stove, hand pumped well. water, and No Electricity & an Outhouse... Music was 78RPM Records on a WindUp Victrola Phonograph... My brother also grew up going with Uncle Henry
    msscarlet, oldman11, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  4. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    made you for here ,, Mom and dad made you for Ms Alaska Chick .

    Im. MIL so till death on some ,old and i lost my life-jacket on the riverboats
    oldman11 likes this.
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