What the Hell has happened to Israel?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wildbilly, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    What the Hell has happened to Israel? Where was the IDF? Where was Mossad? How the Hell did Hamas get so many troops across the border so fast? It appears that Israel is getting fat and lazy...it has been a long time since they have fought a major war!
    duane, Alanaana and Seawolf1090 like this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The same thing that always happens after Iran is given billions of dollars.
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    They got complacent .
    There was no trouble during the Trump years ,, and then Bedumb gave away billions of dollars of our military's arms and equipment to 1 terrorists group ,, and now 6 billion dollars to another terrorists group . If you fund them ,, instead of condemn them ,,, this is what you get.

    I believe Isreal will take care of business. Where they need to go ,, is to Iran.

    If you're surprised how Isreal just got hit ,,, will you be just as surprised when we get hit ??
    You shouldn't be ,,, it's coming .
    jim2, Dunerunner, Yard Dart and 9 others like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Palestinians will ask for peace...there will be NO peace!
    The Palestinians will beg for mercy...there will be NO mercy!
    Finally, they will pray for death...that can be arranged!
    jim2, Dunerunner, Zimmy and 5 others like this.
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Hamas fired somewhere between 2500 and 5000 rockets at Israel in 20 minutes with no previous warning and just over whelmed the Iron Dome system. At least in some areas. Coordinated land, sea and air attacks including armed drones, ultra light aircraft and other advanced tech allowed some border defenses to be overrun and captives seized. These areas have since been reclaimed and are now under Israel control. Mossad seems to have missed the boat in catching this one, how much due to the actions of Hamas and how much due to Iran is up in the air. The Israel defense has always used the idea of out posts as trip wires to halt terrorist groups and hold against larger forces until the defense system can re enforce the bases and hold until mobilization can occur. The government of Israel has neither the population nor the finances to keep a large standing army in place at their borders
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Those muzzies forgot a simple lesson. You don't F with the Jews! Israel is going to fight back HARD! They are gonna start kicking muzzie arse and to H with the names! The Nazis learned it after bombing London. The Japanese learned it after Pearl Harbor. Now, the muzzies have gone and stuck their pencil dicks into a fireant mound. I'd hate to be them in the coming weeks.
    Yard Dart, whynot#2 and CraftyMofo like this.
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    How could Israel not know an attack was coming?
    Zimmy likes this.
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    There are people out there that are calling for Israel to reframe from retaliation, to give peace a chance...that ain't gonna happen! What did we do after Pearl Harbor? What did we do after 911? This is gonna be Biblical!
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Maybe they did see it coming and chose to let it happen to allow the hard right to sweep the left and moderates out in the next election cycle so they can go full hard with Uncle Joe's renewed commitment to help support Israel in the struggle.

    It's not like a government has never let their people be slaughtered to gain more control ... we want safety. Please government protect us from the evils in the world.

    Yeah, I'm just guessing but ...
  10. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    How did our intelligence not see this coming. Can figure that out later right now there are Muslims that need to be set free to find their virgins in hell.
    CraftyMofo, duane, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  11. CaboWabo5150

    CaboWabo5150 Hell's coming with me

    Okay, tin foil hat time..

    There is about a percentage chance of between 0% and .05% that Mossad didn't know what was happening. Those folks make our CIA look like idiots on a regular basis. What does Israel need? Simple, they need U.S. cash and weapons. Sleepy Joe isn't exactly the greatest ally to Israel. So, what does sleepy Joe need? He needs more money to send to his old pals in Ukraine. Only problem is that a lot of the U.S. citizens have had about enough of sending everything to Ukraine. So how to convince the American people to OK expanding spending packages? Give an ally their own 9/11.. Right now everyone is getting what they want, except for the common folk in Gaza, Israel, and of course the U.S. taxpayers.

    Or.... Maybe just like everything else in the world, incompetence is the new order of business...
  12. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    How many millions of unknown people have we let in and what would happen if some of them decided to emulate Hamas? Why that would be a great chance to declare martial law and maybe open up the “re-education” camps with Hillary in charge oh and by the way we will have to postpone the elections for a bit, just until the crisis is over and we’ll get back to you on that… .
    Yard Dart, Tempstar, duane and 5 others like this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    It happened either via a huge intelligence failure not only by the Israelis but the entire West or they allowed it to happen, much like what some say happened in our 9/11...which I never would have even considered until I saw the collapse of building #7 - that is what convinced me that we weren't told the true story, and something wasn't right.

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a huge intelligence failure; however, in hindsight, there were lots of clues, even FDR is quoted as saying, "I may have started a war..." about his embargo of Japan but no one expected military action by the Japanese because - well - they simply misread the Japanese. A militaristic Japan up to its neck in a war for years with China being cut off of the necessary resources to maintain its war and military for no more than ~1 year... What did they expect, the Japanese to ignore their losses, humbly bow and say, "As you ordain"?

    Anyway, I would bet someone saw this Hamas attack coming, especially the materials needed to make the rockets as many were homemade but were not allowed to give it the importance it needed. But...I guess it doesn't really matter now one way or the other.

    This could get really nasty and I have to wonder what will be the objective of Israel - meaning - will they take all of Gaza? How far will they go? Will they attack Iran? What will be the world fallout? China has basically funded Iran by buying their oil even during the sanctions which is why they already are putting out political lip service. This is good for Putin's Ukraine war and maybe China's grab for Taiwan too. America now sees the true cost of deficit spending as money is the muscles and sinews of war, stated by Cicero 2000 years ago and still true. Hell, this might be what finally breaks us...and quick.
    apache235 and duane like this.
  14. CaboWabo5150

    CaboWabo5150 Hell's coming with me

    How many of the ARE Hamas? And/Or Hezbollah...Al Queda, ISIS, Taliban... I bet it is a number greater than zero.
    duane likes this.
  15. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I'll bet Bedumb is catching hell from Omar,Tlab , and the rest of the muzzie loving democraps for him saying we stand with Isreal. I kind of expect him to do a walk back on that ,,, Bedumb's getting better at that backstepping ,, than he is at marching forward .
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2023
    Bandit99 and duane like this.
  16. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    Payback is a bitch and on the way in the form of F15,F16 155 mm, 9MM and 5.56mm
    “Several of these rape victims appear to have been later executed. Others were taken to Gaza. In photographs released online, you can see several paraded through the city’s streets, blood gushing from between their legs.”

    Bandit99, mysterymet and duane like this.
  17. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    My bet is our intel knew something was coming and Bidumb has no love for Israel therefore did nothing. Iran gets billions of US dollars via hostages and sale of oil to us and Iran knows Bidumb will do nothing. Bidumb is weak and relegated the USA to paper tiger status. This would have never happened under Trump -Iran knew he would act and bomb the shit out of these camel fuckers. It's time Israel wipes these SOB's off the face of the earth --there are no innocent civilians Hamas has made that clear. Israel kill them all they will never live in peace with the Jews they have stated that over and over again.
    Bandit99, Zimmy, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  18. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    More actions by the religion of peace and love. Sooner or later we will either be destroyed or they will have to stop calling telling the truth an islamic phobic hate crime.

    The population of Israel now has many leftist who want the good life and think that deals can be made. The survivors of the German death camps,the cleansings of most Muslim countries in the 1960s, etc, no longer dominate the political system.
    Bandit99, SB21 and 3cyl like this.
  19. Somebody had to know something. You can't keep a secret when thousands of Hamas members/supporters would have been preparing. Even the tightest terrorist cell structure has a certain % of loose lips.

    I would like to believe it was complacency but being who I am I believe there was a stand down order given knowing something was going to happen and that they could retaliate but the invasion force was much larger and more sophisticated than expected.

    Regardless, Hamas is done as Gaza will be levelled and key members will escape through the tunnels to surely show up in our shores as migrants"" to spread their terror thoughtout The West.

    Yard Dart, Zimmy and Seawolf1090 like this.
  20. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    There are reports today that Egyptian intell sources warned the IDF that 'something really big' was building. (Just like FDR knew the Japs were coming)

    The current regime in Israel is or was busy kissing ass on the West Bank Settlers who were screaming about violent Arabs pissed at the settlements being built.
    West Bank Settlements Explained - Israel Policy Forum
    Israeli settlement - Wikipedia)

    Why does this matter?

    Jews are out whacking Arabs on a regular basis in these settlement areas. (Palestinian killed as Israeli settlers attack West Bank town of Huwara | Occupied West Bank News | Al Jazeera
    In the West Bank, Israel’s Apartheid Rule Results in Everyday Violence (jacobin.com))

    These shooters are not IDF and have been accused of killing indiscriminately. When the Jews get killed, the locals scream for the IDF. A recipe for disaster.

    That disaster has arrived. Payback is always a bitch.

    Now - what about us (the US)
    With Army division strength levels of illegals of young men - military aged - walking into the US best to start to pay real attention.

    FYI - these nutters are all over -- from London
    to NYC.
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