I'm gonna go fill a Xanex prescription now that Obama got re-elected i'm gonna need it. Think they will give me a 4year supply?
I think I'm going to have to buy 4 years worth of ear plugs if Obama is re-elected as seems to be likely the case. It just goes to show....a majority of Americans who could be bothered to vote would prefer a "moslem" democrat to a mormon republican.....go figure?????
I have a right to bitch, I at least did vote..I'll just do it a little softer so I don't hurt your ears Chell
I can't deny you that mech....I have been here long enough to become inured to it.....whoever wins. Most democratic political duopolies are as boring as batsh!t but relatively stable. The only real interest is created by minor parties who have the capacity to form a minority government by way of a coalition....which is a relatively unstable form of democratic government (Greece, Italy etc). It's a hard choice but I would probably go for stable and boring than unstable and fascinating, even if it was the only choice barely better than slashing your wrists.
Trade whiskey? Never!! You can pry the bottle and my gun out of my lifeless fingers..... but they'll both be empty!!!
Methinks we are in for a long rough ride. Bolstering my preps ASAP and tightening my belt. Can a depression be far away.
I have the same question -06 the bottom falling out can't be far behind, we haves been standing on a sinking ship for a long time now and she can't hold much more water with out going under.
What to fill, easy. Now that recreational use is legal in Washington Glad to see the same did not pass in Oregon, the state was far too involved in it and saw dollar signs (in more than one aspect, not just in taxes from the bud).