So I joined this site as I am combing the internet searching for the situation I fit into perfectly. I'm currently in Sunny Phoenix ,AZ. I am not entirely opposed to relocating, and have been ready to get the hell out of the rat race for quite some time now. (if my credit was better I would be off grid now lol) A chef of many yrs also experienced butcher, Semi tech savvy, I'm good with my hands and a very fast learner. Thanks for checking out my post, I hope to meet you all soon! Namaste Gabriel
I know how you feel. I am done with city living but stuck for a while. Anyways, welcome to the Monkey.
Welcome, our daughter/SIL moved from Scotsdale to the Silicon Valley couple year ago. Google made him an offer he could not refuse. I could/would have easily but young folks chase dreams(and that is OK). We visited Phoenix a few years ago in the spring--really enjoyed it till the "Valley Bug" got me. Ate fresh grapefruit/oranges every day and brought a big box back to NC with us. Nice place to live---until the summer heat arrives--lol. Have a couple good cyber buds in Phoenix. Met one while we were there and enjoyed a bit of fellowship.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Yeah the whole valley is beautiful still, it's a rat race lol. Even off grid I would like to stay in the desert. I'm from Indianapolis so I know all about winter. been here 3 yrs