Zero. If it is not grass, or (edit in bold) does not produce useable food, it does not get planted or allowed to take up yard space. Instead of decorative flowers, I plant herbs in my flower beds. Instead of non-productive trees, I have fruit and nut trees. I put in a garden (pretty sizeable), and allow just grass to grow on the "lawn portions" (for a kid play area and a place for my ducks to wander and forage).
I had an oleander but cut it down because I didn't want my puppies chewing on it and getting poisoned. That is the only one of those ten plants that I had but now I have Bartlett pears, three varieties of apples, Asian pears, cherries, peaches, plums, muscadine grapes, asparagus, kumquats, Meyers lemons, and satsuma oranges. I also have a vegetable garden, a fish pond, and a dozen breeding rabbits (Californian, New Zealand, Flemish Giant cross).
Thanks for the link All I have growing my yard right now is 4 feet of snow.... We normally garden, but have added a fern garden (fiddle-heads) for a bit of green and some good eats... Along with potatoes and other garden staples. I just hope we can get something in this year.
Watch those muscadines seacowboys, grapes are toxic for our four legged friends as well as the cores/seeds from many fruit trees. Smitty
This was more of a rhetorical question aimed at highlighting common plants that some may not know are noxious