What's wrong with this picture?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by UGRev, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I just got my sight from Troy Ind and I'm curious if anyone else notices what's wrong with the product..
  2. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I've been staring for 5 minutes.... I give up. What is wrong with it?
  3. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    The hand mounting system will not hold a zero, especially under heavy recoil, just joking. What the hells up with the cockeyed aperture.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Is it a factory F*up, or is the center line supposed to be cantered? Never seen that before.
  5. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    WINNER!! the aperture itself is solid on, but the sight marks are rotated slightly clock-wise so the "cross-hair" is off center.
  6. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I would suspect that it's a factory screw up. I wouldn't imagine that the actual distance marking would be cantered as well .. also, why point to windage markings that will never be reached? if I adjusted all the way right, the center line will still be pointing inward.
  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    The peep hole is still usable - or drill it out round and you're "good to go!" [winkthumb]
  8. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    It's supposed to be diamond shaped ;)
  9. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    send back. get new.
  10. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Yep! I'm on the phone right now getting a replacement.
  11. Jack Cracker

    Jack Cracker Monkey+

    Store it inside a hollowed out bar of soap and the cops will never find it.
  12. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    hahaha.. your post [woot]
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    His editing reason is even funnier than the post. [rofllmao]
  14. Jack Cracker

    Jack Cracker Monkey+

    I screwed up. Can a mod please move my post to the proper thread?
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