I have more than one, depends on the occasion. "Better BDU Belt" STRATAGEM Instructor´s ER COBRA Belt + stiffener IndestructiBelt | Test the Limits
I have a Gerber Touch. A belt buckle and shiv - all in one. Sadly, no longer offered - and I can't imagine why....
I carry strong side so I use a Lobo Leatherworks double thick belt or a Ranger style belt and buckles.
I prefer a solid heavy metal oval buckle, makes for a quickly deployed under the radar self defense weapon when used as a flail while holding the leather portion of the belt. I have never had to use it as a weapon, but saw a friend end a fight pronto with one. The guy who attacked him was out cold for several minutes and didn't want to advance to round 2 when he regained consciousness. See my EDC Everyday carry video -
I really do not have a favorite, it just depends on what I am wearing. My belts are fashion belts but they are leather or quality and I know that they can be used for something besides holding my pants up. The buckles are all sturdy and heavy. I tried those webbed belts but they were not my thing plus if you do not buy quality the fasteners (buckles/fasteners) did not last.
I use the Spec-Ops 'Better BDU Belt.' I have 3 of them, each in a different color. Super strong. Won't trip metal detector. They are 1.75" wide and I purchase them long so I have a lot extra (all the way to the middle of my back) because in an emergency they can and will be darn handy. They are perfect as a gun belt or just holding up my pants...which they do most excellently. Rather expensive though... I also have their rigger belt (think it's theirs) but seldom wear it.
@Bandit99 You can get a free "better BDU" belt with a pair of Propper tactical pants if you search around. I usually buy mine off Amazon, although some sellers do not offer them with the belt so be aware. Top-notch quality.