What's your gas limit?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UGRev, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I also don't think there is so much of a limit. Soccer moms aren't going to be the most likely to riot, the inner city folk largely don't have cars so don't care and the rest keep paying until gas to go to work costs more than the paycheck then move home and work closer together. When that stops working so do the people and demand and gas prices go down.

    I find it interesting that so many think it will all shut down around $ 5. It was iirc 4 years ago or maybe 3 that I was working at the gas station and gas was close enough to 5 that anyone much over 20 gal had to pump twice because the pumps shut off at $ 100 and the average full size vehicle topping an empty tank could get a couple packs of smokes and a 6 pack and probably little to no change from a $ 100 bill. Food prices jumped and everyone cut back where they could on driving and if they could many got more fuel efficient cars and EVERYONE bitched but not too many quit working and things didn't shut down. May well have added to where we are now though.

    I will have to see if I can find the old thread where we were all bitching about it and listing local prices, pretty sure they broke 5 then. Oh and for future reference todays gas price in KC, MO is $3.38 per gallon.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I may go back to using ''Drip Gas''...
    I used it back in the 80s in a 4.0 Jeep and a 350 Chevy...
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Gator, I don't know bout that in today's modern engines without adding some sort of additives/ octane booster. I thought drip gas was low octane and would basically kill a high compression engine. Maybe it would work in smogged to dead 70's early 80's engines but if it's got a computer on it, i don't know how far the timing can be pushed before the thing won't run.

    maybe for chainsaws, stationary engines (man i'd love to get a hit or miss) or the like and save the good gas for the vehicle.

    I should add, I'll telecommute 1 day a week for every dollar above 4. As for what is the limit? I'm going to guess maybe 8.00. Just take a look a Europe. I think it's there now. they have not revolted yet but then again they are in small compact cities with lots of rail service.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    You advance the timing....Compression ratio's have really not increased much since the 70s and 80s if any at all...Unplug the computor and put a carburator on the engine..When you keep it simple then most of us can fix it....
    Drip may or maynot be low octane rating...Depend's on the well....
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