When there are no words

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RightHand, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    I am sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.
  2. Dawg23

    Dawg23 do or do not, there is no try

    My condolences and will keep your family in my prayers, also sending positive energy your way.
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Damn Sea. I'm no good with condolences, and nothing I could say would make what you're going through any easier, but I feel for you man. That's a depth of pain that few can comprehend, and words cannot ease. I'm sorry you're experiencing it.
    RightHand and chelloveck like this.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I am very, very sorry that you and your family are going through this pain. My heart goes out to you and your wife.
  5. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Terribly sorry to hear this news Sea. I too send my deepest condolences.
  6. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    My heartfelt condolences to you and those affected by this tragedy. Terrible loss.
    May the peace that passes all understanding be in your hearts and minds
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I would like to echo what everyone has expressed, Bless you Sea in your times of trouble.
    Brokor likes this.
  8. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    RH was right on with "When there are no words". Unfortunately, that is all I can offer, along with a strong shoulder.
    You are loved brother, and while we cannot do anything to ease the pain please know that we are here for you in any and every way possible. You and the rest of your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Please, for your own sanity, grieve if you need to (and you do). You can be strong for everyone else but grieve nonetheless. It won't make it go away, unfortunately but it won't eat at you as much either. Be strong on the outside if you must but you have to go through the process for yourself.
    My heart felt condolences.
    kellory likes this.
  9. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    The bond between parents and children can not be broken. The loss of your son is felt by friends , family and those who know you here at the Monkey. Your heart felt pain will lessen with time in the sure knowledge that you will meet again. We are very sorry for your loss. God bless, you and your will be in our prayers.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    This afternoon we will have a gathering of friends, family, and loved ones from 3pm -6pm at Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp @ 1600 North Causeway, Metairie, LA to remember our son, William Thomas Hatmaker IV and say farewell. We will tell stories, we will laugh, and we will cry. Tommy was my step-son. I watched him grow from a small mischievous boy into a bold man that I was so very proud of. Grief is such a harsh Mistress, yet she brings gifts with her pain; the healing of shared grief between my darling wife and her former husband, William Thomas Hatmaker III, was a blessing that cannot be denied. I had trepitude about my Mother in Law and how she would react to this tragedy, she suffers from a mental illness that does not always allow her to react appropriately, yet she handled the news with great courage and comfort to her daughter that had just lost her only son. This warms my heart and is a blessing I cannot deny.I lost one of brothers a while back to suicide and still feel mixed emotions about it. Shortly thereafter, Jimi lost her step-brother, another suicide, wether by choice or circumstance. I wrote this song in the aftermath and wanted to share the lyrics:
    I heard a shot, late last night, is it over for you now?
    Did you have any doubts? I don't know how...
    They will say the pain is gone from you, and I know this is true...
    I guess you had your reasons, now the game is done for you.
    They'll say there is no secret to living day to day;
    I wish that I had followed you, but I know I have to stay.
    Hell is a place where love goes when there is no reprieve;
    Now you are wandering through the sky, but there is only hell for me.
    May God, what ever you conceive it to be, bless you one and all
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Roger that. My thoughts are with you.
  12. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    There are no words that I can say but may you know peace somewhere in your life
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    We had our wake and the following morning, I left to go off-shore for a diving project near Houma, La. I have spent the past several days doing my job keeping my sea monkeys alive while pumping concrete beneath an oil and gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico, but spending my nights alone in our dive shack on a barge rather than joining the rest of the crew housed in a lift-boat in moderate comfort. Our engineer had the crew boat bring a cot, pillow, and blanket out after he figured out that if I slept at all, it was lying on the floor for an hour or two. I just needed time to myself to sort things out. There were many discrepancies in the stories told by my son's wife than led me to believe something nefarious was afoot but after reviewing the facts as I know them, reading the police and coroner's report, and speaking with the investigating homicide detective, I have concluded that our son did, in-fact, take his own life. I always knew in my heart, that one day I would scrape him from a wall but I never imagined that he would do this deliberately,
    That single moment in time is frozen in an instant; it is irrevocable and cannot be retrieved. Any little thing can interrupt that instant, a phone call, a visit, a plane passing over head...but once the hammer falls, the course of events are carved in stone and cannot be changed.
    Tommy was registered member of our group here, but he would not even tell me his user-name, preferring to remain anonymous and not use whatever influence might have been given by his association with me, to influence any comments or dialogue that he engaged in, I will continue to respect that.
    He had only been married a few months, but his wife is a bi-polar (catch-all new-age expression for a spoiled high-maintenance bitch that turns 35 and never realizes that she is an adult). She is distraught that her "best friend" and "the love of her life", ( like that is some epic award), has been taken away from her and I hope she realizes that her self-indulgence and pique spoke words that hurt him so badly, he could not see living beyond that instant. I hope there is a special place in hell for you woman.
    I am returning to my life today with another scar to remind me of the many blessings given to us and the costs of keeping them. Next month, his sky diving club will make a jump to scatter his ashes and dust will be returned to dust. This will happen on his mother's birthday, a dear woman that will find lining in every cloud and I will go back to writing and recording my music and sharing what little I have learned with those around me in a hope that I might somehow, interrupt that instant and never be aware of it. God bless you, what ever you conceive it to be.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Life can deal one some hard and painful hands that are heart breakers. It seems sometimes that the weight of dealing with that pain is just too much, but there comes a time to breathe, to live, and to connect with those who love and care. I trust that you are finding that time and those connections. My best wishes go with you brother.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I dated a clinically bipolar girl in college. it was not an easy thing. when I decided I'd had enough, I had to make her hate me before I could leave. otherwise I was afraid she would kill herself. I am sorry for your loss, Sea.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    My hope now is for bug to recover balance as well as I know you will. The time for memories is long, but life will go forward, prayerfully with minimal burden.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Heartfelt condolences and prayers of comfort to you and yours.

    I wish I could have expressed my thoughts and prayers sooner, and more eloquently. I am at a loss.

    May the memories of the times you spent together give you comfort for all your days. May each day that passes get a little brighter. May you have peace.

    Sea, I am so sorry for the loss of your son.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I know that Self-Reflection is one of the best tools one can employ to reach that "Quiet Place" where Internal Thoughts can be sorted out, with their Personal Feelings. Especially for us Male Types....Just keep in mind, that our companions follow different Paths to gain the same perspectives, and they need our support MOST in these trying times..... ...... YMMV....
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Exactly. You have a gift of words. The phrase above is so very, very true. It is very kind of the skydiving team to spread his ashes. A send off doing what he loved.
    chelloveck likes this.
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Bug will make a tandem jump with the entire club and release his ashes; our daughter is jumping too.
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