If the police push this and TSHTF the gun owners better have a good offensive plan instead of letting the police pick them off, probably literally, one by one.
If "IT" happens. I believe many Connecticut residents will wonder whether they are in 1938 Germany or the United States. These are tense times!!
A LOT of forums have Conn. In there discussions . May have to send in the gumbo patrol to feed the freemen Vs. The Tory party. This may get nasty in a real hurry.
That was gloomy. And I write a lot of death scenes. Well written though. However I think you're overestimating the penitration of the 9mm. I've had it fail on human targets several times. That's why I carry a .45 or a magnum.JMHO
Guess if it were a true story, someone would have to explain to the 7-year old daughter why that 9mm round penetrated into her bedroom. I think I would rather stick to the overall context of the message in the article.
I got the context. It was just an observation. In my own writing I strive for accuracy. No insult intended.
Connecticut halts plans to round up firearms after finding most cops in the state are on the list | Call the Cops Interesting but not sure if this article is accurate... but I hope so. If the Oath Keepers stand strong like this indicates... there is a huge victory in the preservation of our 2nd amendment rights!!
I really hope that's true but it smacks of propaganda. The other issue the state would face is that of extending the deadline for EVERYONE. Allowing any LEO to get their registration in (assuming it even happened) after the deadline would not sit will with those who actually, eventually tried but were told "sorry, too late".
Conn. is just the testing grounds. If not stopped there we can expect the other liberal demon crap controlled states to follow suit.
Well there seems to be a glimmer of hope. Thanks for posting that Yard Dart reading that article put a smile on my face.