Where's the outrage?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by ghrit, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    This link takes you to a blog containing a reputed letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal. It expresses the opinions of me. YMMV, but I doubt it. I have not checked to see if the letter was published in the Journal, and couldn't find it on Snopes. Still and all, it is expressive.


  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I love it!
    ...and this is the exact reason I have bought a "tiny" piece of land to continue to try to live, "free".
    Not sure what will happen, but it looks bleak.
    All I ever wanted to do was have a job, a home, and do some fishing!
    Now, it looks like I'll be "hiding", between the trees, to feed myself!
    I was one of the lucky ones....even with a decent income "once upon a time", I only bought a used mobile home, and paid it off in 5 years!
    I cannot understand why we managed to let ourselves get into this disastrous mess.
    I "lived within my means" and had money to go and do....
    Now, that has changed dramatically.
    I figure I have maybe a few months left of disability income, before it stops, completely.
    I'll have a place to live, until they come and drag me away!
  3. dukenukum

    dukenukum Monkey+++

    I agree this is a mess but it is a mess of the American liberal and the American conservative has allowed them to get away with it by not having the backbone to stop them .
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