Our world is comprised of perpetrators, collaborators, bystanders, victims and those who labor to defeat the perpetrators, overcome the collaborators, involve the bystanders, and protect the victims. Which do you want to be?
I want to be one who labors to defeat the perpetrators, overcomes the collaborators, involves the bystanders and protects the victims. I have, in the past, protected a victim or two. As the opportunity arises I involve bystanders (much to the chagrin of my fifteen year old daughter..."Daaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyyyy!"). I speak my mind and not just with those who agree with me. Keeping the truth within my small group (echo chamber) is akin to doing nothing as the truth doesn't spread that way. Should the time ever come, well, collaboration just isn't in my DNA and I have a real problem with abuse of any kind.
I am every one of those that you have listed. Which do I want to be? The one that survives with the ability to look at myself in the mirror while reflecting on my past. So far, so good.
Latter group. I fully understand Tracy's reply however. All of us have been a victim at one time or another. I don't think any of us tend to willingly be victims. I am seldom if ever merely a bystander. Some may think I am at times but I am just gathering information for actions at a later date. Perpetrator at times when dealing out justice to oppressors or evil sure. Collaborator only as a rebel against tyrany and evil. @DarkLight brought up Abuse. My mind is open to Abuse of my enemies if it comes to that. There are no rules in war if you expect to win. This is what scares me the most, as I fear the darkside and the beast within me. Once that line is crossed, will I be able to maintain my sanity and return to the light.
I was a victim once. Now I am the puppetmaster, bwhahahahahaha! Dance my pretties! Dance upon your strings!! Oh yeah it's vodka time.