In the beginning, God created the Federal Reserve Bank and the money became without backing or value and God said “Let there be tax, and there was and god saw that this was good. I am going to slice the Loaf of Freedom to show how it was eaten and invite each of you to contribute. 1. Federal Income Tax: big slice that wasn’t needed but gave our masters a shorter leash. 2. Federally funded interstate highway system gave .gov the ability to regulate where we can go, how fast we can get there, seatbelts, and taxes on transportation, fuel, emission standards, and what communities deserved to live or fade into nothing. 3. Walmart. The panacea. We must shop to appease our master. 4. The Patriot Act; keeping us free from terrorists both foreign and domestic. 5. Global warming because some of us aren’t frightened enough about terrorists. 6. Federally funded housing; because if you live in our house, you have to live by our rules. 7. Free-lunch program because it gives us the ability to control, in fact, redefine education. 8. More federal controls in public schools by forced integration, busing, course mandates, political correctness, hate-crimes, gun-free zones, death of competing religions. 9. TSA, the back-door to a national I.D. chip. 10. Home shopping network; who need to leave their federally funded house to shop? 11. Credit cards. Guarantee on indentured servitude. 12. NFA; keeping <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">America</st1lace></st1:country-region> safe from the poor. 13. The assassination of Ronal Reagan; yea, he still breathed but his fire and our hope, died with that bullet. 14. Time-Warner, et al.
And I thought I had a dark (and cynical) outlook... But (as usual), you got a point there... After hr1955, I just don't know how far the current government is willing to go?
15. The TVA 16. COE controls our Rivers 17. FAA controls our planes 18. FCC controls our communications 19 Federal grants to enact 911 gives control to local police forces 20. Federal grants to consolidate police departments and militarize them into a cohesive force 21. "Wag the dog" foreign policies 22. UN 23. imminent Domain 24. sovereign immunity 25. FEMA 26. Department of Homeland Security 27 I'm going to assume this is not about alcohol or tobacco BATFE