Why Cops Fear TSHTF

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by STANGF150, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    My experience with the LEOs here is that they're lazy. And not interested in getting hurt(case in point, our old place in Chiloquin when my mother heard shooting, she called them and they told her to go see where it's coming from because they don't want their officers getting injured). So I'm not really worried that SHTF they'll be a threat. That and due to budgeting, the sheriff's office has one or two sheriffs in charge of our whole neck of the woods, which is between 500-1000 people at least. We're like at the very end of the roads in our neighborhood which is on the outskirts of 'town'. And we have a good view of the highway where our turnoff is. We have 40 or so occupied houses in our neighborhood, the majority as far as I know who are armed. So the LEOs would have to drive an hour from the station to get here, and make it past all the other residences to get to us. I'd be more worried about the known troublemakers in our neighborhood than I would about the LEOs come SHTF. If I lived in Klamath Falls, given what I've heard about the city police, it might be a different, but I'm not city folk anymore. I need my space! Bad enough 7years in Seattle turned me into a caffeine junkie. Damn Starbucks!
  2. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Now For the Canadian Disgrace
    4 RCMP Cops Tazar a Pollack to death & get Squat.

    Poor guy , didn't speak but polish @ and international airport ,,
    Canada RCMP are a HUGE disgrace to Canada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , They think there not !! WTF , ask anyone not supported by government !!
    Many DON'T trust RCMP anymore , there always in a cover-up for themselves .

  3. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Your Generalizations about LEO's are the same as those who say all preppers are survivalists militia members, or all white male vets, who support the constituti0on are terrorists... trying to make generalized comments like this for all LEO's , Preppers, or Vets a waste of time...
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  4. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

  5. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    IMO when the shtf time the only cops out will be the bad ones as the good ones will be home protecting their familys
  6. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Hey Witch Doctor I thought the Goverment a few months back did pass something declaring all older white male Vets who support the constitution terrorist? I also heard next month anyone that supports the constitution will be considered Domestic tterrorist and put on a watch list. (lol)

    You know when I first put on my Star you never heard of mistakes like this I have fired and seen officers fired for a lot less. I think the problem with alot of younger L.E.O.'s and Im not saying this is a reason or excuse for all the dumb $hit some of them do. I believe they are scared and I've noticed with a lot of the younger boots that I have refused to sign off on don't have the UMPH in them. They are quick to grab their gun and scream officer safety, I am a firm believer in officer safety but there comes a point when you are scared to do the job and maybe the job is not for you. I've done this along time and have had to pull and use my service weapon but I have never cleared the holster unless I have had full intent on using that weapon. Alot of these guys are trained now that if they are in fear pull the weapon, they use it as a form of intimidation. I always tell my boots if you pull your weapon it better be with intent to stop the threat not to make some pi$$ed off drunk to comply. If you are scared of an a$$ whoopin you need to find another / safer job. I have had my butt handed to me multiple times and I am not ashamed of that I have learned from my mistakes and I always made damn sure they knew old dad had been there. I have also handed some butts back to the owners when they comply we done. I dont stack charges, I don't hit a man who has had enough or hand cuffed, I don't treat him like dirt when it's over I give the respect I get. Then you have some of these guy's who think the badge makes them superman, those are the ones who should have never even been give a badge. Which I do like when the superman gets his cherry popped and it happens to them all. Which I love my job and love training boots that way I can kind of keep the tradition of what being a true L.E.O. is at least in the ones I sign off on. When you hear these reports that the Brass had no idea that a L.E.O. had issues that is B/S if the officer had a FTO that was worth anything, he knew what kind of officer this guy was the first week and could have solved most problems before they started. Problems today with young L.E.O.'s are lack of good training, lack of morals which goes back to the lack of a$$ whoopins as a kid, Trying to sepearate or put them self above the public they protect the people (In my county I make sure they know I am human, I make mistakes and I am no better than any of them that work and make a life, I judge no one for the problems they have other than child molesters and $h!theads but I always remember even the $hitheads have people who love them just as we all do Mom, Dad Kids, and other family), lack of supervison when they are boots, scared of taking a punch to the mouth and last but not least just no good as a man and should have never been given the honor to serve his community. YES I look at bad L.E.O.'s as $h!theads
    oldawg, STANGF150 and TwoCrows like this.
  7. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Thats my point... and you make a second one concerning culling out trainees....LEO's are human, each one has his limits, and problems (at home and at work)... many of the problems come from TV cop shows , poor training standardsb , poor trainers, FEAR, attitudes etc.... things that should have been resolved during the training period or by the staff psychologist prior to their training... but ALL LEO's are not these negative sterotypes of bad cops... I ghuess i'm just tired of only hearing the negative and none of the positive... based on many past posts... all cops are the scum of the earth and should be dealth with that way... The press tends to like sensational headlines ... so every bad cop gets 100 times the press of every goood cop... and those seem to end up as links to some of these threads.... I'm not defending all cops, as you say cops are human and have the positive attributes and failings of being human... but I darn sure don't think that all LEO's should be demonized for the few that are bad.... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion... this is mine...YMMV

    Alpha Dog and Sapper John like this.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It is a two way street, when dealing with your local LEO.... I have ALWAYS tried to know, and be friendly with my local LEO, that is assigned to my neighborhood. Even when I lived in a Big City, I knew them all. If I saw one parked, or just walking, I would stop and chat, and let them know who, and where I lived. Now I am out here in the bush, and our local LEO, is also our Fish &Feathers Cop as well.... He stops by a couple of times a winter, for lunch, and he KNOWS, if he needed help, he can get it HERE.... ..... YMMV....
    Alpha Dog and VisuTrac like this.
  9. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    With the reports of cops raping women and looting in New Orleans after Katrina and the disarmament of the citizens, I do not expect the bad cops to become better people after tSHTF.

    It might happen, but I would not bet a nickel on it.

    Sorry but the most sensible thing looks like S, S and S.
  10. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I can only say this:
    "Due and owing to the "good ole Boys" syndrome" and the way departments are run today, my oldest son has moved 1600+ miles distant from where I reside in Maricopa County. But I am afraid he will soon see it's not the location, it's the MINDSET of so many.....Just like the recent effects ( or actually lack thereof) I personally witnessed, taking place in Coconino County. Yes there are good and there are bad...BUT few find the ability to "CHANGE the system", as I and 4 of my friends intended to do, right out of high school. In the end it was WE that were changed, NOT the system.... it is systemic! ( no pun intended)
    Most just "go along to get along," so little ever gets done to "correct" the wrongs...Knowing that, "WE" have to be ever vigilent to stay the powers that be, from doing whatever THEY feel is the right thing to do....
  11. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    First it was the Feds who took the rights to weapons and if the people hadn't been shooting at Rescue workers it wouldn't have happen. So the people can thank their neighbors for that not L.E.O.'s. Now I dont agree with the way the little old lady was treated in her home and her firearm was taken. Im not sure but I think L.E.O.'s left the little old lady with her firearm then the Guard with Federal L.E.O.'s came in and done that. That is a case where a little common sense should have played into it but didn't.

    As for the theft and rape Yes there was some L.E.O.'s who done some bad things and should be punished for the crimes but one thing you didn't bring up was the people of the communities commited the same crimes. There is bad and good people every where what about the L.E.O.'s, Rescue Teams and people of the community that worked their a$$ off and got hurt trying to help their neighbors? Or what about the L.E.O.'s, Rescue Teams and People from all over the US that left their homes and families to go work their a$$ off and help people and communities they didn't even know? Or what about the people from across the US who took trucks down to loot? Ill tell you why you didn't hear alot about that L.E.O.'s make better news and we are easier for people to hate because some times we have to tell people no that wrong you can't do that just because your neighbor is laying out in a bikini it is wrong to expose yourself. For every complaint that the community I serve comes in with 1 out of 5 is an out and out lie just because they are mad. Same with L.E.O.'s just add the news to add to the lies 1 out of 5 their is no difference a person who commits a crime, commited a crime. Then you have the guy who chose to come through a school zone at 3:00 pm at 65mph and got a ticket, he wants to go talk $h!t about how he was treated. Well if I was the Deputy that stopped him yes I was an a$$ and did talk $hit to him and did call him a 40 year old dumba$$. Because 40 year old Joe wanted to get home and start on his daily drunk so he could complain about what a bad day he had. Never showing any concern for my baby or the other 75 babies who was coming out of the school to go home. I have zipped enough babies up in bodybags over stupidity and what he forgets or does not realize that the badge saved him from getting the a$$ kicking his dad should have given him growing up. There are L.E.O.'s as well I have no use for along with people in the community I have no use for I don't make it a secret, they know exactly how I feel. I don't suck eggs when they are around with small talk and they will tell you. It has nothing to do with the Badge it is the man behind the badge or the Coal miner working under ground, the man on the train or the man shoveling the stable. It does not have anything to do with what the man does to pay bills It is how he was raised, what is in his heart and gut, what he believes that makes the man and that is how all men should be judged for crimes. If he commited a crime charge him and punish him all the other stuff like he was an L.E.O. or a priest muddies the water and makes an already tough job even harder for the L.E.O. and for the community. The same thing happens in Black and White crimes alot of times a victim becomes the offend just because of skin color (and that is both ways for black people and white people). Look at how everyone judges us for wanting to prepare to take care of our loved ones in a time of need. Some fruit loop goes out and commits a crime they find that this person is found to have a well stocked pantry, extra ammo and a book on how to survive being lost at sea. The news jumps in and starts claiming we are all anti-goverment mad men, they never say that this guy's survival book was surving being lost at sea and the suspect lives in the hills of WV. Preppers are treated just like L.E.O.'s alot of the time we make better news that some guy went crazy. Just the way I see it, so just step back to look at and judge a man for being a man and his actions on what kind of man he is, I think alot of people will be surprised on what they see.

    As for what kind of man (L.E.O.) I am lets see Ill break it down
    70% Southern Good Ol-Boy, 20% full of $h!t and 10% a$$
    The last 10% has been contributed to stupid people ask Cephus we are ate up with stupid people here which is good in a way food for the zombies (LOL)​
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Many people blame LEO's for doing bad things and then long for the good old days. In the good old days we all long for I could slap little johnny across his smart a$$ face and teach him to not lip off and therefore come to understand the power of authority, to include parents and teachers. Now I would be fired and jailed for that. It is funny to me to seethese complaints about how brutal and corrupt the cops are and no one is willing to look an how thing were in was the past and how order kept. 80 years ago it was not brutality it was just good police work.

    People sleep soundly in their beds because rough men stand ready to do violence in their stead.
    BTPost and tulianr like this.
  13. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    There was brutality then and there is brutality now, is it wrong to think it should get better ?
    TheEconomist likes this.
  14. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    For the police not to have to use violence, citizens must accept their authority as lawful and right even if they disagree with the law. We dont write we just enforce them. So long as things like civil disobedience are the norm cry's of brutality will exist. The funny thing to me is having been an LEO for 30 years I have seen some unjustified use of force but never to the level that seems to be all over the internet. I have seen force at that level but was there for the whole event not just the officer hitting the guy, and saw what caused it. Sound bites are not the entire story. The a$$ kicking of Rodeny King was wrong but it also was within policy for LAPD. An institution can make men brutal and tell them it is right and ok. They then go forth in a belief that this is correct action, until thrown under the bus by the boss when it is politically expedient. The bottom line is if there is a brutal department it is with the knowledge and urging of the city fathers to "solve the problem any way you have too".
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Dude, that sounds like an American version of what the Nazi said at Nuremberg.
    TheEconomist and TwoCrows like this.
  16. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    And look at how well that turned out for them. [reddevil]
  17. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    100% spot on. They all said they were "following orders" which would absolve them from guilt. Didn't work then, won't work now. As a 20 something I have seen police brutality 1st hand. Problems come about when the citizen knows his laws and rights better than the LEO. This is how 90% of what I have seen went down.

    Citizen: But officer the law reads this...blah, blah, blah. I know my rights.

    Officer: "Are you getting smart with me?"

    Citizen: No, I just know my rights.

    Officer: *Physical Violence*

    I have posted before and I will post it again. Maybe the old school officers had common sense and could talk to people but the younger ones have neither. Its a major problem on college campuses as well. The students are studying criminal justice, pre-law, law, political science, philosophy....etc. They are well read and know their rights, (at least the situations I have seen). The police officers cannot deal with this, especially the ones that transferred from the city to get out of harms way. You know the ones that usually dealt with crackheads and violent individuals who cannot speak properly let alone convey their knowledge.

    It just makes me sick. I have literally seen a police officer throw himself on top of a STOPPED CAR and yell "YOU HIT ME!" at a student he was arguing with. Then HE TASERED HER!
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    One of the dumbest things one can do is say "I know my rights." Guaranteed to irritate the inquisition. Just do what you are allowed to do (fer zample STF up) let them figure out where you are coming from, and you'll avoid showing the gaps in your knowledge. (I promise you, you have gaps just waiting to be exploited. Save the debate over what the law says for your hearing.)
    BTPost likes this.
  19. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    There are good and bad in just about any population.
    Good citizens, bad citizen.
    Good co-workers, bad co-workers.
    Good cops, bad cops.
    Good politicians, ba ... oops, found a loophole in my thinking.

    Carry on.
    oldawg and TheEconomist like this.
  20. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    And you are right, that is going to Irritate the inquisitor. Most people get angry when they are questioned and it is possible they are wrong. It follows my example above.

    They question you.

    You question them

    They get mad and use violence.

    Point is there need be no hearing.

    "fer zample STF up"
    ^Yep, sounds like a LEO to me.
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