And everyone said I was just paranoid... BBC News - Flame: Massive cyber-attack discovered, researchers say
Even I am not afraid to leave my microphone alone...jeez guys. Make me feel bad. I run Comodo (paid version) and it will warn me well enough...that's the Win 7 box. On the laptops, eh...I do cover the video, but audio is disabled so it kind of defeats the purpose of doing all that Q-Tip work that Quigs does.
Depending on whats being discussed I shutdown and remove the battery from my Android. Course I removed CarrierIQ as well but never can be to cautious.
why do you have to remove the battery? Honest question. Just turning it off wouldn't do the trick? J/W Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Turning some computers/notepads/smart-phones off may, or may NOT, actually turn off the CPU, and stop it from running background processes. It really depends on how the hardware and firmware were designed.... Why would ANYONE stop the mic from working on a Cellphone? (iPhone) Kind of makes the cellphone useless, doesn't it? All my computers sit behind a very good Firewall, that reports any and all incoming IP Port Connection Requests. I see all the Chinese and Bangladesh Probes whacking away, and I just smile....Now if they could break into my Encrypted VPN Connection Port, I would start to get a little concerned. So far they haven't even found it, let alone started bashing it.... Oh well, soon enough for that....
So what I should really do is take a pic of my hairy butt and mount it in front of my webcam when I'm not using it, just in case. Lol.