I just read this little article over in ZeroHedge and thought I should share it with anyone who cares about the massive amount of corruption that is now going on in plain view. They definitely make their intentions known, I wonder how far the farce goes? The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer | Zero Hedge Yeah, I bet he was able to get that job on his own merit. Now I understand more of why we are pushing the Russians as much as we are. Biden- "I need more money. Go hither, son, and poke the Russians. What, war? The banks will take care f that." Yeah, I'm not too concerned about nuclear war erupting from this; it's not very profitable. Instead we'll just get more fascism and serfdom. The Russians seem used to it. Heck, I don't even know who to complain to! Senator, representative, pet chicken that tells the future by scratching the ground with a divining rod?
Part two of the story- the Russians won't let us use their rocket motors anymore. They've threatened that before, but now they are serious about it. Oh, gee, I don't think that is too bad. Who uses Russian rocket motors besides the Russians, anyway? Oh yeah, like EVERY rocket that launches from the earth does. Right now, all of the Atlas rockets use fricken Russian engines. Who thought that was a good idea? Anybody remember how to make the Saturn V motors? Most engineers can't read paper prints anymore, so who's going to build them, since NASA retired or laid off anyone that was old enough to remember what a Saturn V is. So, who do you think has an bunch of old American rocket engines stored in a warehouse somewhere, or who do you think is going to get a big, FAT contract to build some in a hurry? Forget SpaceX, although they may have a lot of potential, they are still in the process of developing their equipment.
The denial has begun: Jay Carney: Joe Biden's son accepted position with Ukrainian gas company as 'private citizen' | WashingtonExaminer.com The last paragraph: "In addition to his work at the New York law firm, Hunter also is a co-founder and a managing partner of investment advisory company Rosemont Seneca Partners and serves as director of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, a network of 400 businesses, nonprofits and foreign policy experts, and the chairman of the advisory board for the National Democratic Institute, a non-profit that works to support democratic institutions and elections around the world." So there is a company that makes money by supporting democratic elections around the globe? It sounds to me like they make money by influencing and rigging democratic institutions around the world... Places like the Ukraine, perhaps? I know, it's all speculation on my part. When The Onion has more credibility than Washington, who's to say that speculation isn't the truth anymore?
This just keeps getting better and better: Ukraine Just Issued $1 Billion Bonds Backed By The US Taxpayer | Zero Hedge Okay, let me see if I can get this straight. The Ukrainians release a bunch of bonds (debt), but they are backed by the US of A. Then we, of course, buy up the bonds. Am I catching on here? We as in any one of the failed (bailed) megabanks. Why isn't this $hit illegal?
meh, what's a billion these days? A few days of the war on drugs/terror/people who's resources we covet. Just a drop in the bucket.
TPTB have stopped even pretending to hide how badly they're screwing the average Joe. Disgusting! Getting time to do something to show our displeasure? Kajun
Looking back, SpaceX has really stepped up to the plate and kicked butt! A lot of people still don't know what was going on in the Ukraine, and that's really sad because there is so much evidence of what happened available at your fingertips.
Yep all around the world you can vote for selected legal criminals,work for national foreign owned (shares) companies. Discrimination is forbidden in many countries except between government employees and civilians cq sheep.