My understanding is that the weeping willows are less potent. Even among the upright and shrub like willows the potency varies greatly. White willow is much less effective than others but will still work if amounts are adjusted. Crack willow and purple willow are stronger. If you use 1 teaspoon of crack willow or purple willow bark for a headache, you might need 1 1/2 teaspoons of white willow bark for the same headache. While I don't qualify as an expert, it would seem that identifying the species would help greatly with dosage.
Willow is a great remedy. That's why many animals are attracted to and chew the branches. And it has such a wonderful, distinct smell. _______________________________ Cheers - Amanda
Making aspirin in the bush Here's another discussion on the topic: Making Aspirin in the Bush | Survival Magazine - Preparedness - Homesteading - SHTF - Survival kits Who wudd-uh thought a 'Yooper would have some helpful advice.. [rofllmao]
The User's Manual for the Human Body One of my friend's Mom gave this to me. She went to school for holistic or naturopathic medicine. She gave it to me to help with the kidney stones that I some times have. I have to admit I haven't read all of it but the parts I have read are very helpful. The Owner' s Manual For The Human Body By Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh
Just remember that use of white willow / ASA or any product containing them is NOT to be used in kids due to risk of Reye's syndrome and for anyone with even the remote possibility of being in a thyroid crisis. the body responds to these products by dumping large amounts of thyroid into a person's system and this could prove fatal to someone in a or approaching a thyroid storm
the ASA is for aspirin not Amateur Softball Association ( a fine organization i worked many years with ) ....just for clarification