Windows 7 Advanced Control Panel Trick

Discussion in 'Technical' started by melbo, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Create a folder on your desktop. Rename it to:

    Open the folder. This is perfectly safe and not some sort of joke that will open your CD tray... [winkthumb]
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    Have you got W7?
  3. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    yes. W7 Ultimate

    ....among other OS's....
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    That explains a few things. I've a free upgrade from Vista to W7 coming for my laptop; been holding off for SP1 before taking advantage. Scott Finney likes W7, says it'll be good. (Got enough trouble with SP on one machine and Vista on the other. Re-training old dogs is a drawn out exercise.)
  5. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    7 uses the same interfaces as Vista but they've made it all flow like butter instead of the (so I've heard, never ran Vista) sandpaper.

    As you know, I was and still am a pretty die-hard Linux user but have found myself gravitating to W7 after my initial test install. I'm also using [GASP!!] Google Chrome as my browser.

    Next thing you know I'll get a corporate job with Health insurance and a 401k.... Oh wait, I did that too. Maybe in a few more years I can even forget about all of this collapse crap and become a sheep! I actually think I'd like that.

    You can't unsee once you have seen. Ignorance IS bliss.

    edit: I don't see a need to wait for a SP release g. It's fully functional as it is and the few (very few) core updates have been smooth.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    Not a matter of seeing is believing, at least not in my case. Unwilling to look is more like it. Very comfortable know of things and not knowing what I'm missing in the details. (Plus I've recovered from some serious crashes, and don't relish learning how to do that with a new OS.) To be honest, learning another system is not high on my list.

    Vista sorta fell on me when the old laptop got wet, and wanted to go away permanently (originally was waiting on W7, but had to move sooner.) XP suited me well. Vista is porky and loaded with unnecessary features that I'll never use, but so is XP. Other than marketing, I fail totally to see why M$ felt the need to bring out something "new" to irritate the masses rather than fix up the hitches and glitches in the older systems. Until XP, they sure needed fixing. I have not yet tuned Vista up for speed, but working on it.
  7. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    A lot of people claim that 7 is Vista fixed and maybe MS PR had to escape the Vista stigma. I know it looks and functions the same way as Vista except for the new Taskbar which I find much better than the old Windows style.

    Maybe that's why some of the linux guys are coming home. Its the first true innovation from MS since 95
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    The Vista task bar is exactly the same as XP, set that way by me to ease the transition. The start button hides things, and that irritates me no end. Takes too many clicks to shut things down, and the security popups are aggravating to all hell. Also loads much slower than XP from startup. Once up, it is about as easy to run as XP except the annoying "did you really want to do that?" stoppers. I think there is a work around for that, but I've avoided doing anything about it since the laptop is a sometimes thing, mostly for backup to the tower and travel.
  9. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    7 loads incredibly fast, even on less than 2GB RAM. You can turn off the "are you sure" commands but I've actually found that once you get your system set up, you rarely see them. That admin permission is the same in Linux and Mac and will keep your system safer from viri and malware.

    7 runs a subOS of XP so any apps that you want to use that 'are not compatible' will still run if you set them to run as XP SP1, SP2, etc.

    The shot below shows my current taskbar. no more titles- just icons and they stack up with a quick hover view if you want see what they are. Very clean.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    Yes, I admit that I am now a Windows lover...and it is only because of the new Windows 7 Untimate N install. I have always loved Linux and its clean, slim nature. This new OS pretty much emulates most of the function and feel of Linux with the integrated, monopolized .net Satansoft OS. As Melbo already said, it loads like lightning and it is definitely a cleaned up version of Vista (although there are many differences).

    I am glad that I acquired a legit copy. The only downside for me, is that I am running it on a 32 bit laptop with 4gb of ram, and thus...only 3gb is accessible. No matter, it still cruises!
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    I'm running x64 with 4GB RAM on a laptop hooked up to a 23" external monitor. Even with the weak onboard intel graphics, I'm still happy.
  12. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    I just upgraded from Vista to 7. I'm loving it so far!
  13. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    Re: Windows 7 Advanced CP

    Wow! I like that!

    I liked Vista, but it was like too much OS spread over a small CPU. When that test work-machine was upgraded to W7 (beta), I couldn't believe the improvement. At that point, pretty much everyone at work new we'd eventually be upgrading. W7 is very efficient.
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