I'm pretty happy with Linux, but I need to be able to run a few Winwoes programs. Flat out I just can't find replacements for some software I really have need of, and remote controlling another Windows machine from my laptop just doesn't cut it. I've made a few attempts to run Windows software in a Linux environment, but it's been an utter failure so far. vmware on Linux looked promising but I couldn't get it to work. If I can't find a solution I'm going to have to resort to reinstalling Windwoes and run Linux from a thumb drive. I'm turning to the experts on the tree. Who has successfully Windows applications on Linux either on a virtual Windoes machine or as an app through a Windos simulator? What did you use and how well did it work? What's the secret handshake? I really, really don't want to deal with MicroSpy every day making sure it isn't narking me to "enhance my experience" and cleaning all the stuff out that it keeps track of to protect my privacy.
I would be interested in reading how to get windblows programs to actually work on Mint.. I haven't made any attempts in many years.. That also shows how little I depend on the "dark evil ones" programs..
Sec_ is one smart cookie! Happy to see people leaving Windows in the dust, right where it belongs. Mint comes with an Office suite that can save files in Word and Excel formats so that they may be shared by those unfortunate enough to still be using (and paying through the nose for) Windows and MS Office. Big advantage right there. Just upgraded to Mint v19.2 from 19. The last several upgrades in Mint versions have been extremely painless. Linux has sure come a long way such that Windows doesn't have much in the way of advantages any more, and certainly not enough to justify the cost.
Check in with the Debian groups. It's the same tree as Mint or Ubuntu but pure(mostly) open source and they have been around since '93 so many more packages available. I looked into it before Ubuntu went back to Gnome for use on my touch screen laptop. Don't let the amount of command line scare ya, my skillz make the average 4 year old look like a whizbang genius and I can handle it. Besides if you get stuck the tree is plum full of helpers! STARVE GATES OUT!!!!
I've had mixed results running winblows software on Linux, but there is very little that I need to do that I even need to run any win progs with the Linux alternatives. Microsoft Office is one that I could run, but was not able to get it to validate so couldn't make it stay working after the trial period ran out. There is an MS Office alternative called WPS that is freeware, comes as a Debian package, easy to install. However, not sure what windows programs you are trying to use. I do have a couple computers here that do have windows on them, I just do not go online with them other than for very limited occasions. So, anything I do need to use a windows program for, I can use one of those.
In my case I've been able to do everything I need to do on Linux with a couple of exceptions: CAD - there just isn't any decent CAD I can run on Linux that doesn't cost a lot more than what I want to pay to try it out. I've tried everything that I can run on Linux that is free or has a trial period and they are all too clunky to be worth my time and patience. I've used AutoSketch since the 90's and it does everything I need and does it gracefully. It's basically a 2D version of AutoCad. CircuitMaker 2000. OK, I know there this has been out of date for a long time, but it works for both design, testing, and PCB layout. The free versions of PCB design software on Linux have limitations on size and the for pay versions that don't have limitations are professional with professional prices and I'm a hobbyist. I'm also not able to import my CM2000 files and surprisingly most won't import Gerber files so I can reverse engineer them. I've been sick and spent most of the last day and a half sleeping. I'll hopefully be installing Windwoes 10 using @sec_monkey solution today after finishing up whatever chores I need to get caught back up and whatever projects Mrs. 3M dreamt up while I was working last week.
Install it on a virtual machine and block its access to the network,that is the safest way to use it Watch out it does not use wi-fi, its like google trying to find ways to tell the boss. Got a xp running (on virtual box) for if i use the "load from a disk" program PS if you use a "smart"phone just as bad as uncle bill.
Any of you die hard Linux nuts stuck using Win10 (or Windows Server 2019) for any reason also have the option to run quite a few Linux flavors inside win10 natively with WSL, the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Ever the evil empire, Micro$haft(theconsumer) has taken up the Linux gauntlet and run with it. Perhaps their evil plan is to one day rule the Linux space too? Only time will tell! Won't work in Win7 though. You have to take that final leap into the abyss... It'll let you do some Linuxing around within windows...neat? Sure if you're a masochist! Anyway, it's been fun playing around with it. Can't hold a candle to an actual Linux install, but it is handy to have. The more you know and all that. Caveat emptor.
I couldn't see myself using WSL. The main reason I went Linux was no more Spycrosoft and MUCH better performance. I ONLY use Windwoes for the specific things I can't do to my liking in Linux and that's three applications. The only thing Win 10 install does outside my home LAN are for system patches and AntiVirus updates. I don't even download software. It gets any software from my NAS and damn little of that.
Try a linux program called 'wine' I use e-sword bible program which is windows only. I installed wine and winetricks, that worked but not very well [fonts wrong, etc.]. So I google'd "wine slackware e-sword" [without the quotes] and eventually found a tutorial that worked! [p.s. ignore the 'video tutorials' as they are almost always just spam]. I had to use winetricks to make msls50.dll 'native' not 'built-in', oauth32.dll from 'built-in' to 'native' for example... [p.s. I prolly spelled those dll's wrong, it's an example]. I had to try several tutorials before finding one that works, I even had to re-install wine once, to undo all the changes I had made trying things from faulty tutorials, but wine reinstall is not hard atall. The trick is to google wine [your linux variant] [your program name] if you only see ads on the first google results page, try adding the word 'tutorial' to your above google search. One more tip, most 'needed/your-favourite' windows programs are 32bits and most modern linux's are 64bits so you'll likely have to install a 'multilib' package from your distro. This step is often missed in most old tutorials because they were written Before 64bits was popular, so they just don't mention it... And this is also why adding 'multilib' to your 'google tutorial search' will not usually get you good results... p.s. Your linux-distro may come with multilib support pre-installed so this step may be unnecessary... One more tip, search your linux-distro's 'package mananger' for "wine", you will find Alot of programs, install them all if you want, it usually can't hurt. [sub-Tip; install them 'all at once', your packageManager will then tell you if they 'conflict each other' in which case abort, but remember the names and perhaps add them one at a time to your 'google tutorial search'...] But for me wine & wintricks & multilib support & 'a tutorial to show which windows.dlls to tweak using winetricks' was enough... One more tip, [this is veering off the 'windows programs topic' slightly...] but; IF you already have SEVeral linux distro's on your hard drive and are comfortable/experienced with adding another, try adding a distro to your hard drive that is from the aught's [2000-2010] as it will; a) be 32 bits [a 32bit linux distro] b) may already have wine installed, properly installed! [Winetricks my still be needed to tweek the .dll's, see tutorials] c) be linux-newbie-friendly, as they were all trying to compete back then, not just survive... d) NOT have systemd - which is the only 'Windows Virus / guv backdoor program' known to exist on linux... Hope this helped