<tt> ElBaradei: Iran Could Make Nuke In 6 Months... Bolton: Israel will attack Iran after election, before inauguration... Well I say US or Israel or "Coalition" will strike on one of the New Moon dates below. First opportunity is July 3rd: So, What do you think? When does the start.
Remember .... the new moon gives the best cover of darkness for planes. No moonlight in the skies at that time.
Lot's of worse countries already have nukes. This has nothing to do with fear of nukes, that is just a neocon schill cover story. This has to do with changing the face of the middle east and getting rid of non N.W.O. complying middle east leaders who refuse to play along with them and their plans. You resist them you get taken out. Bush Saprano and his crime family. [elim]
Maybe they'll find the WMD's that escaped them in Iraq. I'd say August 1st, as it'll be over by Christmas 2020 the winter festive season, and will mean that the retaliation may prevent the Presidential elections taking place, and due to emergency powers being necessary, the current administration will have to grin and bear it, and fight the good fight until the bitter end. Tony
Thanks for the welcome, I only have a few things in common with Mr B liar. 1, I'm a Brit 2, I'm a man, he is a male of his particular species. 3, ............... Tony
Oh you don't realize just how right you may be my friend and bear in mind it will be no accident this sh!t is all being done by design!
I didn't write that....but imho it's a plausible out come .Folks in the commentssection who believe in theU.S. invincible military "strength",Have a typically "eurocentric view(i.e. the Iranians are incapable of making alliances on their own).If they make friends and purchase modern weapons from the other two remaining "powers"( China/russia)These would be weapons specifically designed to defeat us systems. Just because our carriers are flying U.S. Flags does not make them impervious to chinese or russian (or Iranian weapons)...I fear "we" may be in for some rude headlines..