Worrisome forced relocation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tango3, Aug 2, 2007.

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  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Finally! [applaud]

    First I have to say that I have enjoyed this thread more than any I have been involved in in some time. But, sadly it is time, on my part anyway, to bring it to an end. My objective has been accomplished.

    You see Mortis, you and I are closer in ideology than you would suppose. I intentionally set out some time ago, to strip away the veneer, to pull back the curtain so to speak.

    A Freudian slip? No my friend, an intentional one.

    The writings of Sun Tzu? Yes I have not only read him but studied him in depth. I have in my library several different translations of his works. While he is the most oft quoted and tauted by the masses, he certainly is not the definitive source. A much deeper knowledge of tactics and strategies can be found by reading the diaries of Yi Sun Shin, or the chronicles of Chandragupta's conquests, or Sargon of Akkad. And the classics, Hannibal, Alexander, and of course Clausowitz. But my favorite military tacticians are Nathan Bedford Forrest and Irwin Rommel. Masters of the art of misdirection both.

    When you first came here to our little corner of the internet world you swept in on a high horse with a flourish of verbage and prose. Announcing in a venal way, your arrival, bearing pearls of great wisdom to enlighten our dark and dismal existance.

    Well, I couldn't let that go unchallenged. In an intellectual jousting contest I have yet to be unhorsed. So after reading your first post I percieved the guantlent to be thrown. Could this be Arthur come to the bridge to challenge Lancelot? The good Sir Mortis, a strong intellect and a sharp mind. A worthy opponent?
    Would he maintain the debate in a rational and true Jefforsonian spirit? Or would he devolve into a more coarse and common tit for tat banality. I set out to see.

    The arrival


    Ah, the conception of the perception. The Jedi Master moniker is born.



    The joust begins;


    Finally the curtain is thrown aside and we find the real Mortis!


    "Oh my, I feel so excited that I made a point that you can agree with. I am tingly all over"

    "Facts?? Well, when you produce some I’ll agree with them. And if you consider those postings full of Bovine Fecal Matter as facts,"

    Welcome to the Monkey Mortis! I have no doubt that poachers assesment of you is true. I thank you for your service to our country. I have the deepest respect for those who wore the uniform of this nation. I have liitle respect or patience for those who put on airs and try to be what they are not.

    So let us do away with the fancy prose, the ten dollar vocabulary, put away the thesaurus and just have a frank and plain discussion. In plain and common English. Lose the mind game rhetoric.

    You have demonstrated that you are capable of it.

    I look forward to many more jousts in the future.

    But, as for this particular one, alas, all good things must come to an end.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

  3. Mortis

    Mortis Snake Eater


    Great Cover your ass response. Still does not explain why you post nonsense for all to read..... and those posts come before my entry into this board.

    Stick a fork in thread. It's overdone.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Agree, it's done. Thread is closed.
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