Worthy rant by fed up German woman

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jan 21, 2018.

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  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It often amuses me when some Christians get upset that some non Christians get the same kind of 1st Amendment accommodations that Christians get, yet are strangely silent when Christians get away with breaches of the 1st Amendment, that they would never tolerate non Christians enjoying. Go figure?

    Now, unless there is evidence that the school in question is compelling students to kneel and pray towards Mecca, or that prayers are other than student led, and voluntary....I see no difference to Christian school kids getting together in the playground or a room, and having a student led, student organised informal bible reading. Students getting together (without teaching staff, school employees and adult volunteers) and praying and doing Jesusy stuff on their own, or Muslimy kneeling and allah akba-ing stuff....or hasidic jews rockin' stuff like they're at the Wailing Wall is probably not a huge issue....Schools may reasonably draw the line at snake handling by Pentecostals, as being a public liability and OSHA issue. :eek:

    I'd be interested in learning more about the (presumably State School) kindergarten classes that have (Muslim) prayer rugs, and where they talk about Islam and shit, but do not talk about Christianity or Jesus and shit. Any links?

    Scary Number Of Americans Think Muslims Don't Have Constitutional Rights

    Some Americans don’t believe Muslims, atheists have First Amendment rights
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We need to be cautious here. Citizens have the rights and protections accorded by laws. How those get extended to non-citizens is a different question entirely. My opinion carries no weight there at all, BUT regardless of religion, the laws apply, supposedly equally. We have enough hassle with rants and raves back and forth over government misinterpretation of its own edicts without more confusion added by wild assed guessing by noisy neighbors splashing their weightless opinions in the town fishwrappers or man in the street evening news.

    To go up a post or two, there's no muzzie requirement for carrying daggers as part of the religion. However, it does exist in the Sikh population. That has to be ascertained before going off half cocked in a school setting. I'm also not so sure that there isn't an age requirement, but I have to think it would be simultaneous with the start of wearing a turban, distinctly different from a muzzie head wrapping.

    To go up even further and repeat myself, let's get this show on the road and simply do what the law requires, or change the law. That is, change the LAW, not the Constitution.
    Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  3. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Why not just send the kids to school with pork Boudan and offer it to the Muslim kids as kind of a community bonding experience?
    oldman11, Mountainman, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    So culturally insensitive you are, wah!!!. Go sign up for sensitivity training at the mosque nearest you.
    Asia-Off-Grid, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No, not exactly. The United States Publics School system is not funded nor staff to support any type of religious worship as far as I know. This would be the same thing as saying a class prayer before class starts. Possibly "getting together in the playground or a room, and having a student led, student organized informal bible reading" would be acceptable either during recess or after school has finished but there would be no special place built or provided and certainly no paid teacher/instructor to administer or supervise it. Since Kindergarten children would need to be supervise at all times while they are at school, given their age, prayer time upon prayer rugs would not be allowed in a Public School.

    I also think you missed the point. The point is Christian religious activities, praying or bible study or etc. is not allowed, as such, neither is Islamic activities, such as praying on prayer rugs, nor any other religious creed activities. If indeed this was happening, it shows an unacceptable tolerance of one faith over another which should not and cannot be allowed.

    Furthermore, I don't think anyone on this forum wants religious activities of any kind in our Public Schools. Your taunts are directed more towards religion, in general, which you find disgusting and/or distasteful due to your sexual orientation than "Christians get upset...non Christians get the same kind of 1st Amendment accommodations" because that is indeed not the point of our grievance. It is because it was allowed to happened, given special privileges to do so, and that is the true point and the objection.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    There have been numerous news stories in Oregon about all this, I'm sure you could dig into it and see for your selves! Point is, it's being allowed as it does fall under the protection's of the 1st, but at the expense of every one else's 1st! Sort of "our" special rights are better then yours deal. It has been publicly challenged numerous times, and is still a sore topic, but the schools and the State stand by the rulings! It has also been pointed out the separation of church and state as it applies to religion in public schools, THAT has also been heard and acted on, much to the sheeples chargrin! SO.............We continue to allow special privileges while telling every one it's protected under the 1st! Its Bull chit, and every one knows it, but until some one brings a case before the State, it will stand as is! I recently had a picture in my phone I had taken this last fall inside a classroom, it was of a large "Black Lives Matters" poster ( at a Portland Public School) I said nothing, and forwarded that picture to a number of officials and the news media, the PPS and State said it was protected and to drop the issue or take it to court! That was all the answer I needed to hear!
    The news stories your looking for with the daggers and prayer rugs are Beaverton and Hillsboro School Districts! There are also news stories in the Seattle area, but I don't remember where!
    Bandit99 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    If she (READ: anyone) is not willing to resort to violence, she / they might as well give up now. That's the only thing those animals understand.
    Gator 45/70 and Bandit99 like this.
  8. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Chelloveck, it is no longer a Christian vs Moslem thing in most places, in the name of cultural diversity, they can "claim" to be educating us about white privilege, their religion or their racial or ethnic group and it is protected speech. If I as a white christian etc, try to defend my beliefs, it is hate speech. I can not put a cross up in a school, would freak out certain groups, but they can put in prayer rugs, required by their religion for praying, and teach about Mohamed as being required for cultural diversity. Seems like I always lose. Australia should help out Indonesia, or Bangladesh, a few million immigrants from each of those countries would help them out and supply the needed population for you to have a diverse racial and religious society. Last I remember reading, you were not accepting boat loads, say nothing of millions, and you have all that land not being used. Does seem like your neighbors are more interested in your resources than you land.
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and Bandit99 like this.
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    You may be correct? Is it eating pork or seeing a woman naked were they are supposed to kill themselves?
    SB21 likes this.
  10. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    The solution to an invasive, non-assimilating culture's growth within a host country's borders will have to be increasingly more severe the longer the invading culture is allowed to flourish. It is up to the host society if it has the resolve to be true to its origins to force the gradual "soft invasion of refugees" to return to it own homeland, or rollover to be taken over by a more dominant culture. Good fences make good neighbors. Nature's Laws of Survival are in effect....
  11. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    thank you so much for telling it like it is. Do we want our country brought down to be like other third world country’s? I don’t think so. By the way any country that makes its women cover their face,something’s wrong. Islam is not a religion,it’s a cult kind of like the Jamestown deal. We had better get behind christany and fight all this crap that’s going on.
  12. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Although I am Christian, I think it has gone far beyond the attack on those who follow his teachings and now has become an attack on our culture, laws, way of government, property rights, and our sense of who we are as a nation and a society. Chelloveck may or may not be a Christian, that is his right, but he knows what a Christian believes, the culture he was raised in, the concepts of law we believe in, and so on. He joins this group of his own free will, participates in it under its rules, and attempts to teach us about the errors he believes we are making. In most cases his thoughts and statements make us reevaluate and perhaps strengthen our beliefs. The actions of others who wish to destroy us for whatever reason can not be tolerated and I think he would agree with me that coerced actions, no matter what the rationality can not be accepted. I have not figured out if our situation is better described in Animal Farm or 1984. Although sometimes watching the news at night, Lord of the Flies comes to mind. I must say the similarities between the pigs in Animal Farm and the present membership of one of the major parties and their true believers seems to resonate well but on the other hand we are far beyond the technology feared in 1984.
    oldman11 and oldawg like this.
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