WTS-Once-fired brass

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by ColtCarbine, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have the following calibers of once-fired brass for sale; 9mm, .38 spl, 357mag, 44mag, 45acp, .223 and .30-06.

    All brass is unprocessed, it is not tumbled, deprimed or trimmed.

    Prices do not include shipping. Brass will be shipped in USPS Small or Large Flat Rate box, depending on how much you need.

    I have not taken any pictures yet but can get them if needed.

    9mm mixed commercial head stamps 2800 available- $25/1000

    .38spl mixed commercial head stamps 1500 available- $50 for all or make offer

    357mag Remington and Winchester 163 available- make offer

    44mag Remington and Winchester 273 available- make offer

    40 S&W Remington and Winchester 400 available- $10 or make offer

    45acp mixed commercial head stamps 800 available- $40 for all

    .223 mixed commercial and LC head stamps, at least 250 of them are Lake City. 950 available- $50 for all

    .30-06 Remington, Federal and Winchester 387 available- $25 for all
  2. kbox

    kbox Monkey++

    Total price for 38 and 357 with shipping? Thanks
  3. M_Elk_Hunter

    M_Elk_Hunter Monkey++

    Would you check and see what size box the 30-06 brass fits in, and let me know how much total.
  4. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    E-mail sent
  5. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    I'll take the .45 ACP and 5.56 brass. PM sent.
  6. sookie45

    sookie45 Monkey+++

    You have a P.M.
  7. sookie45

    sookie45 Monkey+++

    You have P.M. Interested in the brass
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