WTS/WTT: Kevlar Ballistic Panels *30% OFF D-DAY SALE Well folks, the Memorial Day Weekend sale is over, but due to popularity (and some begging... ) I am keeping the 30% discount until D-Day. That's right, the 30% discount (reflected in the pricing below) will be good until June 6th. Quantity discounts will apply again, so buy 3 or more panels, free shipping, 5 or more, free shipping and ANOTHER 5% off and 10 panels or more....free shipping and 10% ADDITIONAL off. For a total of 40% off. After June 6th, whatever is left will go back to its original pricing. Please email or IM with any questions! RANGE REPORT HERE: The FAL Files Forums - Range Report:Trauma packs Thanks Tuscan Raider! Disclosure: I am an inventor and experimenter, and have been tinkering, building, and designing armor for about 12 years. This material is mine that I have acquired over the years. I am not a business- this is a hobby, a passion (my wife calls it something else), and I am selling this material because I can't possibly use everything that I have. So am selling it to you guys (originally had a bunch of shooting buddies and friends persistently nagging me, so there is the rest of the story). DISCLAIMER: THE END USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY USE THIS MATERIAL IS PUT TO. I ACCEPT NO LIABILITY FOR USE OR MISUSE OF THIS MATERIAL, AND NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Great material for the DIY! These are all surplus woven P-Aramid soft armor ballistic panels, at a bargain price. F.A.Q. below: 1.Q: What the heck is this stuff? A: This is surplus woven P-Aramid (Kevlar, in most cases) fabric. It was used in soft armor vests. 2.Q: Doesn't this stuff expire? A: Good question. Studies have shown that woven P-Aramid, when properly maintained (i.e. not abused, kept away from UV light) will last indefinitely: “NIJ tests failed to demonstrate any significant differences in 10-year-old armor, regardless of the extent of use or apparent physical condition” “The warranty exists solely to limit the manufacturer's liability on the product and is not a reflection of the anticipated service life of the product.” ...Guide to Police Body Armor, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) You can also find an abstract here: http://www.ncjrs.gov/App/publication...aspx?id=111390 3.Q: What is the NIJ rating on these panels. A: There is none. The NIJ (National Institute of Justice) will assign a rating to a completed piece of armor that they then certify against specific rounds. As this material is being sold strictly AS IS, no NIJ rating whatsoever is claimed. However, some research will provide you with equivalencies of approximately how many layers of Kevlar will stop a given round. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, NO RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO END USE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 4.Q: Do you have a piece of material that will fit X type of armor that I already have? A: It is possible, but not likely. The pieces I have are from many different manufacturers over many years. The pictures and dimensions given with each piece can help you find something similar. 5.Q: Will you make me X? A: While I do offer customization services, the liability for their use rests strictly and explicitly with the end user. Customized pieces will also cost more due to my labor. The surplus panels are priced low to give the DIY a source of material for projects. 6.Q: Is this material legal to purchase/own for civilians? A: As I am not a lawyer, I cannot give legal advice. However, at this time in the U.S., the ownership and purchasing of body armor and body armor material is completely legal. 7.Q: Can you ship this to me in (Country X) where I am stationed? A: While I fully support getting as much of this material into the hands of our fighting men and women, the US Department of State restricts and forbids shipping this material overseas without an export permit. This includes APOs, unfortunately. If you are a soldier, and would like some of this material for a DIY sewing project, contact me and we can figure something out that does not violate the export restrictions. 8.Q: Why is this material so inexpensive? A: Well, it is material that I have had for a few years as test material for projects. I don't need all of it, and would like to share it at an affordable price with others that might need it. 9.Q: How big are these panels? A: They range from Medium to Large, with most being LARGE in this batch. 10.Q: What condition are the panels? A: Most are in near new appearing condition, but range from Fair to Excellent. Fair may have cosmetic blemishes and surface flaws, Good will typically have an age darkened look on the first layer, Excellent will be virtually free of cosmetic defects, and New is indistinguishable from brand new. 11.Q: Will this material stop rifle rounds? A: NO! Rifle rounds are a special threat that requires special armor (hard plates) to stop. This material can be used IN CONJUNCTION with rifle armor to provide additional protection, but should never be worn with the assumption that it will stop rifle projectiles. It won't. 12.Q: If I want to shoot this material for fun, what is the recommended method? A: Make sure you place the panels on a yielding backing (sandbag, clay, rigid foam) to get the best results. Soft armor requires a firm backing with "give" to mimic the human body. Shooting this material while free-hanging or against a hard surface will most likely result in skewed results. THESE PANELS ARE GREAT FUN TO SHOOT! 13.Q: I want Spectra or Goldflex panels- why don't you offer these? A: Because vests made with these materials are dangerous, and I will not sell this material. Make sure that when you are shopping for armor, you only buy 100% WOVEN P-ARAMID VESTS! No exceptions. I don't care that they say NIJ certified, tests by DocGKR, whom I have the utmost respect for, have shown significant weaknesses in Spectra and Goldflex laminates. These weaknesses include: -Extremely poor contact shot performance- a contact shot will melt right through these vests, while woven P-Aramid will withstand multiple contact shots without failure. This includes Goldflex, that while Aramid based, is laminated with a plastic film. -Extremely short lifespan- Laminates will delaminate with regular wear, meaning that they will lose much of their protective ability after a very short time. As mentioned above, woven P-Aramid can remain viable for decades given minimal care. -Heat sensitivity- Spectra in particular can lose most or all of it's protective properties when exposed to heat. Heating Spectra laminates above 180 Degrees F (about the temperature in your car trunk on a hot day) the Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene fibers (UHMWPE) that make up the vest irreversibly revert to simple Polyethylene. The same material that your average milk jug is made of. Personally, I don't like the idea of wearing a milk jug vest and wondering if it will stop bullets. -Breathability- Well, laminates have none. Think of wrapping yourself with plastic film. Woven P-Aramid laminates WILL breathe and allow more cooling of your body. -Zylon- This requires a note all on its own. Friends don't let friends wear Zylon. Originally thought to be the next generation of body armor fabric, this material is a ticking time bomb, even worse than Spectra. It will react with moisture to form an acid that degrades the ballistic performance of the fibers. Ensure that any vest you buy (Ebay vests especially) are FREE OF: Zylon, Spectra, Goldflex, or any laminates. Some Ebay vests are cheap because they contain these materials. Insist on woven P-Aramid- nothing else. TRAUMA PADS SOLD OUT! *SHOOT PACKS/BALLISTIC RATED TRAUMA PADS* BELOW ARE THE RESULTS OF A SHOOT TEST WITH A LEVEL IIA (LOWER LEVEL THAN THE ONES I AM SELLING) TRAUMA PACK. 5 shots of 9mm 115 gr. FMJ (high penetration) and 1 round of .45 ACP 230 gr. FMJ. The 9mm were all stopped within 4-6 layers, the .45 did not penetrate a single layer, out of 16 total layers. BACKSIDE OF PANEL, SHOWING NO PENETRATION: -GREAT DEAL!!! I have several 5" X 8" woven P-Aramid soft armor plates, marked Level II made by Second Chance. You can find these under SC TRD (Trauma Reduction Devices), usually run between $60-$70 new. Woven Araflex (Kevlar 129) with Gore-Tex outer shell. No warranty is expressed/implied by me (surplus), but these are great as test panels, and fit nicely in the plate pockets of most vests (their original purpose) AND HAVE BEEN TOLD THEY FIT IN 5.11 TAC PANTS KNEE PAD POCKETS! Quite popular so far, so LMK if you need any! -1st pack is $25 shipped -subsequent packs in same order are $20 -Add a pack to any existing order for $20 TRAUMA PADS SOLD OUT! DUE TO MANY REQUESTS, I AM NOW OFFERING CUSTOM ARMOR AGAIN. *TO SIMPLIFY PRICING, I WILL BEAT OR MATCH ANY CUSTOM ARMOR MAKER OUT THERE- TYPICAL PRICE AVERAGES $1 PER SQ. IN. FOR LEVEL IIIA EQUIVALENT CUSTOM PANELS* CUSTOM ARMOR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 11 or fewer layers: .06 per square inch X number of layers LEVEL IIA EQUIVALENT (12 Layers): .70 cents per square inch LEVEL II EQUIVALENT (20 Layers): .85 cents per square inch LEVEL IIIA EQUIVALENT (26 Layers): 95 cents per square inch 27 or more layers (EQUIVALENT TO LEVEL IIIA+) POA Cordura Nylon shell, add .03 to base price. Nomex Shell, add .06 to base price. CarbonX Shell, POA Keprotec Shell, POA DUE TO CONSTRUCTION METHODS, I CAN ONLY DO SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR PANELS. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, END USER ASSUMES ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR USE OF THESE MATERIALS. *SURPLUS PANEL PRICE MATCHING* I WILL MATCH THE PRICES (SURPLUS PANELS ONLY) FOR ANY EQUIVALENT PANEL YOU FIND. THIS INCLUDES EBAY. *MUST* BE EQUIVALENT MATERIAL (WOVEN P-ARAMID, I WILL NOT COUNT SPECTRA, GOLDFLEX, OR OTHER LAMINATES AS HAVING ANY VALUE, AS THESE ARE INFERIOR, DANGEROUS MATERIALS. YOU MUST PROVIDE A PHOTO OF THE TAG SHOWING COMPOSITION OF ARMOR AND NUMBER OF LAYERS AND DIMENSIONS. I AM CONVINCED MY PRICES ARE BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN FIND OUT THERE. Test Pics: After several requests, I pulled an F8 Panel (10 layers) and shot it with a 115 gr. 9mm (high penetration) round. Round was stopped in 8 layers. Backside of panel: Explanation of Stats below: Panel- The Panel ID Width- Width of panel in inches from widest point Height- Height of panel in inches from bottom to sternal notch True Height- Height of panel in inches from bottom to top of clavicle area Chest Width- Width of panel in inches from upper portion of vest (upper chest area) Layers- Number of layers of ballistic material Cond.- Condition of panel, from New (Unused), Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair Weight- Weight of panel in pounds (or decimal fractions of a pound) Price- Price of panel Gender- Male or female panel (female front panels have indentations for female anatomy) Qty.- Number of that style available RECENT UPDATE- I have been asked to specify the material in each type of panel. All E series panels utilize either Kevlar 29 or Kevlar 129, which are the standard and updated forms of ballistic kevlar respectively. -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. E2______23____11.5______15___________11______9_____Excellent___.9____$30__Female__1 E4_____18.5___10.5_______14___________10_____12_____Excellent___.75___$27__Female__1 -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. E5______22_____8_______10.5__________10.5_____9____Excellent___.56___$20___Female__1 E6______25_____11_______14___________10.5_____9____Excellent___.81___$28___Female__1 E7______24.5___10_______12.5__________10______20___Very Good__1.6___$49___Female__1 -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. E9______18_____10.5_____13.5__________11.5______12__Very Good__.69__$20__Female__1 E10_____16.5____9.5______13___________10________12__Excellent___.56__$20__Female__1 E11_____18______9.5______14___________10_______20__Excellent____1.6__$54__Female__1 -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. E13_____19______9________12___________8.5_______11__Excellent___.56__$20___Either__1 E14_____20______9________12___________8.5_______11__Excellent___.58__$20___Either__1 NOTE: All panels in the F range are FRONT panels RECENT UPDATE- All F and G series panels are made with Kevlar Comfort XLT. This material is lighter and softer than Kevlar 29/129 but does require more layers to stop the same threat. -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. F2______20______11_______13.5_________10______10____New_____.59____$24___Either___2 F3_____21.5_____12.5______14.5_________11.5____10_____New_____.625___$25___Either___1 LEFT -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. F5______21.5___11.5_______13_________12_______10_____New___.625____$25___Either___2 F8______20______14_______15.5_______11.5_______10____New_____.69____$27___Either___1 LEFT -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. F11____21_____14_________16.5________11.5______10___New______.82____$31___Either___1 LEFT -Panel- -Width- -Height- -True Height- -Chest Width- -Layers- -Cond.- -Weight- -Price- -Gender- Qty. F14_____20_____11.5_______13.5________12_______10_____New____.63___$25___Either____1 F15_____22_____11.5_______13.5________12_______10_____New____.63___$25___Either____1 F16_____19.5___12.5________14.5_______11.5______10_____New____.69___$27___Either____1 Shipping is usually flat rate 11.95, depending on the size of the panel I can *occasionally* get it into the small flat rate box for 6.70. Tracking and Insurance are extra. I have a 3-5-10 SUPER special- buy 3 or more panels, and it is free shipping. 5 or more, free shipping with a 5% discount. 10 or more, and it is free shipping and a 10% discount. I accept USPS MO as payment only- no checks or personal MO, no paypal. ALSO LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING TRADES (And ONLY these) Local Trades (Colorado Rockies) 9mm Ammo .45 Ammo .223 Ammo. 7.62X39 Ammo 7.62X51 Ammo 12G Ammo Anywhere Trades: Gold/Silver (must discuss details before trade) PMAGS PMAGS PMAGS -MUST BE BLACK REV-M 1911 Parts (Specifically looking for blued, premium grade parts- Cylinder and Slide extractors/triggers, Ed Brown bobtail MSH/MSH tool, Caspian Slides, Kart EZ-Fit, Wilson bulletproof Ambi safety, 10-8 Precision rear sights etc. Will have to discuss) BCM Gunfighter Charging Handles- Mod 3 LARGE VZ ALIEN Grips US Palm AK mags Ace Folding Stocks for stamped AK Trijicon Reflex Sight (RX-01 NSN, RX-30) Magpul UBR Stock Tripps Cobramags Hammer Forged AR barrels AK-74 Bolts, Front Trunnions, Bolt Carriers Romanian AKM parts and kits, barrels First come first served- I go by timestamp of the email or IM I receive. I have 7+ years of references if needed! I accept USPS MO ONLY! No checks, bank, or personal MO. Thanks!