Wyoming House advances doomsday bill

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ColtCarbine, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I'm disapointed in you folks especially as prognistigators of future events... isn't it obvious... when Commiefornia falls off in the sea Wyoming may have some prime ocean front property to park their carrier... YMMV
  2. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    That make Arizona and Nevada ocean front property :D

    This can explain it better than myself. The San Andreas Fault and the Cascadia subduction Zone are different types of fault zones. Northern California, Oregon, Washington and parts of British Columbia are being pushed up. Our volcanoes are a result of this fault. Earthquakes and violent volcanic eruptions would be our two major types of natural disasters. A person on the coasts in this area could add tsunami to the list and probably take away the threat of volcanoes due to their distance from the volcanoes.

    Here's some geological reading for the area, if interested.

    Volcanoes and the San Andreas Fault

    Cascadia Subduction Zone

    Tsunami-Generating Earthquake Near U.S. Possibly Imminent | LiveScience
    weegrannymush likes this.
  3. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Maybe not... you might have underestimated how much California sucks....:D
  4. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member


    Now that's funny!
  5. Midnightblue72

    Midnightblue72 Monkey++

    Oh yeah, this place SUCKS now.

    As I have stated on SEVERAL forums, the only things that are nice here are the things that GOD and plate tectonics have made. Mountains, beaches and deserts, everything else touched by the hand of man and they're politics, IS RUINED.

    I have been a public servant for 25 years and I will leave soon and be happy when I do. This state is a DISASTER and MUST get my family out when I can. If someone has a ranch in Southern Idaho, or Northern Arizona (Near Prescott) PLEASE let me know, I need to network and take trips to find my land.


    Mountainman likes this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Being the creative person that I am, given an amount of US$ much less than that for building and paying for a real aircraft carrier, I would recommend locating a strategic Wyoming Air National Guard airbase....marking out the exact dimensions of a fleet nuclear powered aircraft carrier....diigging a moat 10 metres down into the earth, concreting the basic sub structure, and super structure to conform with the lines of an aircraft carrier, and then filling the moat up with water. I call it my concrete aircraft carrier...Goddamnit...I'd even name it the The WSS (Wyoming State Ship) G'Dubya Bush...naming one block of concrete after a block head makes sense don't you think??? Naturally an aircraft carrier can't sail unescorted so we had better construct a few escort destroyers and frigates...WSS Shooter Cheyney and WSS Rummy Rumsfeld???

    I'll fess up...it's not a completely novel idea....something like it had been done elsewhere first...in the Phillipines, known as "Fort Drum".

    Fort Drum (El Fraile Island) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Fort Drum is featured in the second half of the Youtube clip

    thecombatreport .com - Fort Drum - YouTube
  7. strunk

    strunk Monkey+

    Call it the USS Dick Cheney. He's from Wyoming. And we all know how dangerous he is when he's armed & land locked.
    Seawolf1090 and Gator 45/70 like this.
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