Gotta sweet 'tater growing and was wondering if anyone has thought about them as a 'staple' crop? Potatoes and such but what about the sweet ones. I know I could look up all sorts of info, like the vitamins in them and ease of growing but I thought some of you grit eaters might have some first hand knowledge. Ain't never seen a grit bush but I would love to have some of them seeds! "sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth" hee hee name that tune........ snowbyrd the currious
Alabama "Song of the South" I've grown them, I love them baked with butter. Can't say much about the vitamins although I've always heard they are FULL of good stuff. Just looked up: Yams are high in Vitamin C, dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium and manganese; while they are low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol
I lived for an entire winter on game, fish and sweet potatoes. I was never so tired of anything in my life and haven't hunted since then (around 20 years ago). I was grateful for the sweet potatoes; they kept me alive and fairly healthy.
They have lots of vitamin A and C. The greens are also edible (a delicacy in the Phillippines) and contain iron and vitamin D.
Sweet potato frenchfries are interesting - but then you have the fatty oil . . . Sweet tater pie is great stuff! I prefer it for the Holidays more than pumpkin pie. Mom makes a good sweet tater casserole dish. Lots of butter, brown sugar and marshmallow topping!
Really? Do they come out sweet(ish) or bland(ish)? A local burger chain has them seasonally and I've never had the guts to try them.
Worth the try, sorta sweet/salt. It's a thing you'll either like or detest, but it's a cheap experiment.
If you've got a yen for something sweet without the extra brown sugar and butter try putting them in the micro or baking them. I find the red velvets or the beauregards work the best.
I like them baked or boiled & add butter....also french fried.They are also good raw but you can not take big bites.
They were a staple in the rural south during hard times. We usually baked them and set them in the pie safe for after school snacks. Children carried a baked sweet potato as part of their lunch for decades. Easy to grow and store, too.
Add a touch of Cinnamon, they are to die for. Can do more with them than regular potatoes and most everything you can do with a potatoe good eating CG