How dew all; I am a long time student of prepper/self-reliance skills and try to gather as much knowledge as possible. I hope to learn a lot from the people on this forum and may be able to contribute something now and then.
howdy pardner you've already made a good contribution your bug out experience is good stuff to learn from thanks
A warm welcome from Coastal Texas. Howdy! Pull up some sit down, don't steal my bananas and we'll git along fine.
Welcome. You will find there is a lot that can be learned on here and if you have any question's just ask. You will probally get more than one answer but that's what I like, you can take three or four suggestion's and make your own, to fit what your needs may be.
I got Family living down in the Midland Odessa part of west Texas With all the trouble you've had down there on the border... I'm half tempted to go down there and teach y'all how to establish fields of fire and set up path guards... Seriously West Texas is one dangerous place to live these days If it gets to bad come hang out with us up here in KS... Just not this next weekend... Its hunting season