If you spend $60 dollars for a pair of jeans, just because they have the holes in the right place.....you might be a sheeple If your daughter brings home anyone that's boxers are higher on their body than their belts....you might be a sheeple If your idea of roughing it, is a hotel without HBO, ....you might be a sheeple If you believe that children corrective discipline should always be directed to a "Time Out" chair....you might be a sheeple If you HAVE to go to the grocery store more than 4 times a week....you might be a sheeple If you believe ANYTHING said in an election year.....you might be a sheeple If you believe that saying "I can afford that" means "I can make the payments on that"....you might be a sheeple If you spend $3000 on a new HDTV, and have to stop at $20 worth of gas .....you might be a sheeple If you buy a H3 Hummer, spend $40,000 just to have to drive the kids to soccer practice and freak out when the tires get muddy....you might be a sheeple If you install a burglar alarm complete with emergency battery backup, but do not have emergency heat source, cooking abilities, water or a firearm....you might be a sheeple If your major topic of conversation with your family is who got voted off of "American Idol"....you might be a sheeple