You think people learned anything?

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Big Ron, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    During the plandemic people kept being told about obese people getting sick easier and recovering less. It should have been a wake-up call for folks to get in better shape. It made me think more about it. I just treated the whole China flu as another winter flu season and take zinc and a few supplements.
    The next emergency? it is about controlling people and the China flu worked. A climate emergency?
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    The Big Lie ,, just to justify all of their little lies .

    If you aren't one of the elites ,, you're just one of their useless pawns . Till they can kill us off ,,, all the while having us believe they're trying to help and save us, by their diseases , or their vaccines. And the ones that don't fall for their lies ,, are their enemies.

    So , in my opinion,, yes we learned something . The weak , learned their .gov will give them the bare minimum they need to survive , if they follow the elites rules .

    The not so weak ,, learned the extent our .gov will go to control the people.

    Just my opinion,, as best as I can put it.
    Kamp Krap, Altoidfishfins and Dont like this.
  3. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Ron, that was my first thought when air quality alerts started getting shoved into every weather app. Just a matter of time before we all have to stay home because the air is bad due to climate change.
    Kamp Krap and Bandit99 like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Oh, it is coming. Make no mistake, they learned what to do and what not to do and the next one will show even more control. The question is, will the public, the people who also learned follow along like last time. My guess is they will.
    Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    They showed have learned that if it had been a REAL Pandemic half the world would be dead
    Kamp Krap likes this.
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    They learned that not everyone will drink their cup of cool aide.

    We learned that our healthcare centers are NOT about our health, but, about their financial betterment.
    To the point of killing people for that profit.
    That also includes members of our government and it's agencies.

    We are responsible for our own health and so, we are responsible for doing our own research into what treatments are best for us.

    Some have learned to what lengths some will take to see that the elitist goals will be met.
    We learned that our suspicion have been true all along!
    Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  7. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Fear will grip the sheeple and they will line up to be vaccinated, chipped, surrender their firearms, and get into the cattle cars headed to the virus free camps...
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Frankly, I think the next one will be real. I think this one was an accident; however, they didn't know what to expect, how bad it was going to be, so they play it for all it was worth. They also knew that they were going to get caught but, if played right, and stayed a moving target long enough, it would all fizzle out. However, the data and power they gleaned from this accident showed them they can have unlimited power and as we all saw - they did not want to give it up and only did after it became ridiculously and couldn't possibly justify it anymore. No, another one will come as it's now in their bag of tricks.
    Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  9. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Think if it had been smallpox
    Kamp Krap likes this.
  10. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I was thinking of the typical sheeple, very different from the posters here. I don't think they learned anything. Maybe some woke up to how they were deceived.
  11. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    They knew. They has sand tabled the whole thing. I don't think they knew how the people would react, or, how much of their crap we would tolerate.
  12. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Altoidfishfins likes this.
  13. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I should be dead , just fight with our GOD. It takes time and pain, never lost yet.
    Mil & Life
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  14. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I got Covid back in January.
    I've been beat up a lot worse by the Flu in the past.
    Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
  15. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The flu is definitely worse than China virus. Supposedly the people dieing from chi vi were old, had covid and flu. Yeah I would probably die too. If there is a plandemic, just like you see in the movies don't go to the gd hospital or they will kill you.
    Don get quarantined, the government is really good at taking a few people who definitely have it and putting them in with a hundreds to thousands of other people who probably don't have it, in the best conditions possible to spread it.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I had Covid a couple of times, must admit, it sucked and it did give me a lung infection but... got through it. Not sure what they will throw at us next time but I am pretty damn sure it will stick...Population control? LOL! Reminds me, I still need to get that gas mask and filters....
    Zimmy, Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
  17. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    We learned, the sheeple didn't, and so what ever they try and hit us with next time, it will be far more draconian! The big difference this time will be the Red Pills will be much larger, and will almost certainly push back with force, which will push the leftist into a place they fear most!

    Take Oregon, our last Guv'ness declared herself queen of all she surveyed, and her draconian mandates were upheld in the courts, despite the state law stating she had to go before the legislature to extend her powers, that didn't happen, and the courts struck down all challenges, and then she went after those who stood up to her illegal mandates! This time, and with this new and improved grade A choice Twat with Diamonds and Oak Leif Clusters of a Guv'ness, it won't matter, she can declare herself all the emergency powers she can dream up, and she will get run out of office quicker then shit through a goose! Inside intel at ground level points to a much bigger underground of dissent, folks who lived through the last who will absolutely NOT be cowed by the states bad actors, and will stand up to those Jack boot Thuggas and give them hell! O.S.P. knows this, they have been threatened not only by the people, but also local and county sheriff's, DON'T follow the Guv'ness' illegal orders/mandates or else!

    Big Picture, depending on what they hit us with, and how bad it is, I would expect things to escalate to Martial Law, and if that happens, it's gonna be FUGGLY!

    I suspect we might be in for another round come the elections, count on some monkey business to install King Gavster, and then Cancel the elections, effectively ensuring a Revolution kicks off! You think the last Koof was bad at destroying families and friendships, just wait!
    Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  18. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Read they are working up the next run of vaccines for the next virus. Get your supplies on hand and be ready folks. Check out the
    These folks had been on target through out the covid mess.
  19. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    If I were the CCP and had lots of nasty little viruses in my lab arsenal. I would release the least deadly but most easily transmitted of them and watch how it spread, how long it took for anyone to get a clue it was out there and spreading. I would be tracking all of the data and paying close attention to the rest of the worlds reaction to it. I would also use it to reinforce my iron grip choke hold on my own population. I would also have had my lab rats create a real and effective vaccine for use in the people I found to have value to me. Then I would spend a few years studying the Data and preparing it as part of my war plan.

    When the time came to Invade Taiwan and begin the global offensive, I would unleash massive cyber attacks on every vulnerable system. I would have my agents in the USA hitting every soft target in the utility and transportation systems. I would block all exports to the USA and force all of the Nations beholden to me to do the same. I would release the real and actually deadly virus with a 60-80% mortality rate and have already vaccinated my population and allies. Western Civilization would start collapsing with the Cyber and Soft target attacks and would be fully crushed within 90 days before the first shot was ever fired. Then I would send my newly massively increased Navy and Military to mop up any pockets of resistance. Then Chairman Krappy would effectively rule a world with a significantly reduced population and would have faced little to no opposition in becoming Emperor of the World.

    That being said it remains to be seen if China's Military is a effective force or a paper tiger firing glass cannons. No secret that we are attacked in the cyber realm daily, I don't think that those are actual attacks but rather probing and seeing where they can infiltrate. China is robbing us blind daily with agents in country of every kind of tech imaginable. China has a sizeable force of operatives already in the USA and Mexico that can cause all kinds of physical mayhem. China is deeply embedded in every Major aspect of American Business. China owns massive amounts of American land outright and probably more via shell companies. We have the weakest federal Government that I have seen in my lifetime. Our state of military readiness is at an all time low. Most American men of service age do not meet the minimum physical and mental requirements to enlist. Military recruitment is at an all time low. Throw in a Deadly virus and 60% of your crew on a aircraft carrier, Sub, destroyer or cruiser are dead....... the fleets and battle groups are less than effective. 60% mortality among the general population is well beyond the threshold of everything in modern America collapsing into total chaos.

    I might be wrong and hope I am wrong but I am thinking China will make its move on Taiwan before the 2024 Election and unleash all of that other stuff before or during the invasion. Despite all of this Administrations Corn Pop talk it has proven over and over again to be WEAK and if you are going to make war with a enemy Nation you could ask for a Weaker one than we have now. We also have the three ring circus called Congress in place making us even weaker. China is not stupid, XI might be insane but not stupid, The USA Falling is the Key to all of Western Civilization falling.
    Zimmy, SB21 and Bandit99 like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    ^^^^^^^^^^ This is exactly my opinion also. You can bet that experience and data was not lost and is being studied. And, like you, I think they must make their move on Taiwan before 2024...the real question is what are they waiting for because they have political conditions are perfect now.

    As far as China being a paper tiger, if Korea was anything to go by, they are more than willing to accept massive losses to ensure goals. The UN troops at that time truly had their hands full. Now, the West's military is much more prepared than then however so is China. Numbers were their biggest and best weapon and still is.
    Zimmy and Kamp Krap like this.
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