Yes i know it summer and it hot enough to cook the boys without a problem but i just wondering about this question .. I have two winter time jacket's to wear is a MA.1 black color flight jacket and the other is a pullover l.s. front pocket black color sweatshirt jacket with hood . I wear them in a combo of the sweatshirt jacket under the flight jacket or alone it depends alot of time what i'm doing .. The sweatshirt jacket is what i wear around the place alot with a watch cap and gloves and i fine down to about 25 to 35 degree's outside with a shirt & t-shirt under the jacket The flight jacket is worn more for town wear with a watch cap and light winter gloves on for use in town or i need to move supplies from the car to the cabin .. I'm in the southwest and it does get cold down to zero or below up in the mountain's when a good weather pattern come's in the mountains and we can get dump on with the snow also up there .. So what is basic cold weather jacket's for wearing around your place dureing the winter time
Up in my country, I have a good down vest, over a wool shirt, and then depending if it is above 5F or not, I chose the outer jacket to match, the temps. If it is below 5F, then it is time for the Zuit Suit, that makes "me" look like the Pillsbury DoughBoy, but I will NOT get cold, wearing it even down to -40F. It is like walking around in a sleeping bag. I have bivewacked in it, and just laid down under a tree, in the snow, and slept, when it was -10F. Insulated Gloves are a must, neck cover, and, or Face Mask, and Goggles, when it is zuit suit time. Otherwise it is a wool WatchCap, and ear scarf. Just what we do... YMMV...
Makes me perspire just thinking about a jacket right now. I work outside (move houses/buildings) and wear an over the hip length--helps keep my tush warm-lol. They are blaze orange-keeps traffic off me-I hope. In cold weather it is a "T" shirt, thermal knits, long sleave woolen shirt, sweater, and coat. Hardly ever need the sweater in NC piedmont region.
Last night at a friend house they showed me a few picture's that they had taken of us on a outing and there is snow on the ground and i'm the only one in the picture there at Snowbowel Ski Resort where we at in a sweatshirt jacket with watch cap & gloves and jean's and hiking books in the picture . In the picture the rest of the group likes like they are in Alaskan artic frozen north that how much cold weather gear that they had on there that day
as it cools off i start wearing a hoodie with a flannel over it then ill move up to an insulated hoodie when it gets below 0 i put a denim jacket on over the hoodie when it gets -20 or more i break out my carharts never wear thermal underwear, the stuff drives me nuts always too hot when i go inside and im in and out constantly last thing ya need is to be all sweaty then go outside in the snow layers of loose fitting clothing seems to stop the cold well and keeps the heat in even better and if you get an outer layer wet its easy to shed it
For strictly urban wear, the Carhart jackets are amazing, and a more affordable alternative I have used is the Walls work wear jacket with 100% cotton shell and poly lining. I do some of what Beast suggested also, living up in the northeast, weather changes suddenly and drastically. It is nice to shed layers as needed. One thing I do wear, however is silk-weight thermal underwear on especially cold days, as long as I am not too active. I also have trouble wearing most thermals, they often bunch up or cause overheating, but the silk-weight thermals are very nice. As far as wilderness hiking and the rest is concerned, I choose the same silk-weight thermals since they are light weight and very useful. I always wear a synthetic layer close to my skin to wick moisture away, and dress in loose layers. I use the lightest, strongest materials I can afford, and routinely use the military Goretex ECWS coat and pants for wet weather, or sometimes for very cold travels. The best alternative rain gear I have found (light weight) are Frogg-Toggs (DriDucks), and they can be easily stowed. Merino wool and other high quality wool fabrics are most welcome additions to my outdoor gear as well. There was once a brand sold by Sportsmansguide, known as GuideGear wools, but they have become increasingly hard to find and may only be seasonal -these are exceptional outer layers for very cold days, but there is a trade-off due to the heavy weight of the material.
I use woolen Korea-type shirts for most days. I am known to where my fair share of carhart. I usually wear a Patagonia soft shell with hood for the really bad days.
I have several jackets depending on the thermometer...from parkas to light wind breakers and the one thing I require for any of them is PIT ZIPS. IMO, they turn 1 jacket into two. If you buy at the right time, you can get serious deals from places like Cabelas or Mountain Gear. You can also find good deals at REI's outlet or after sales (they really mark stuff down then). I spent a while in NE and ME, and I was cold there. The only jacket that really kept me warm was a solid wool Woolrich field coat given to me. Even my LL Bean Baxter St. Park Warden parka didn't work as well. (Obviously, no pit zips in that thing). I haven't seen one since that's like mine (it's too small now and I need a bigger). The closest thing I've found is a Filson Yukon Wool coat, but jeez...I can think of better things to waste money on. If I had to buy a coat now, I'd probably try to find an ECWCS coat on eBay.
I have 2 overstuffed, vests, a military parka with a fur lined hood, 2 British camo C/W jackets ( 1- I sewed in a thermal blanket) -100 degree boots, and a Carhart jacket. Plus, I have several "hoodies" in a heavy material that I wear under the others when it's really cold!
My all wool navy peacoat for short excursions into the wet and cold. Otherwise it is typically just sweaters and maybe some gloves if it is a bit windy. I wear an Australian canvas duster for long days in the elements, since we are dealing with wet cold down here. Don't forget your hat.
Why are "peacoats" called "peacoats"? I also wear a lot of sweaters. For anything active in extreme cold, nothing beats a sweater. It gives the right level of warmth and breathability. Last summer, I picked up a Marine Wooly Pully. I haven't had the chance to wear it because it never got that cold in AZ last winter, but I'll have it ready for this year. Wool is the best material IMHO. All the modern super nylons and water proof materials that I have.... I still like wool the best. On some Bushcraft forums guys are making parkas out of old military wool blankets... good for a light jacket IMHO.
Dunno, but a Navy issue peacoat, turtleneck and watch cap got me thru Michigan Upper Peninsula winters.
The term "pea coat" originated from the Dutch or West Frisian word pijjekker, in which pij referred to the type of cloth used, a coarse kind of twilled blue cloth with a nap on one side. Now you know and knowing is half the battle. I agree about the wool BTW.
My favorite is a jacket from Cabela's is only has a light lining but has a second zipper to accept a fleece jacket ( This is not a "jacket system" from Cabela's) for colder days. Tha jacket ha a Gore Tex liner so its water proof and breathable. I've worn it by itself over a polypro undershirt (wicking) and a chamois cloth shirt (Yeah I know, cotton kills) when the chamois shirt gets damp my body heat pushes the water vapor through the GoreTex and I stay dry. I've even put the jacket on over a wet shirt after being caught in the rain and by the time I get home the shirt's dry. When the weather's really foul I throw a North Face Mountain Guide jacket over everything and zip up tight. Great for -20 below !
Have a dressy wool coat and a feather-lined coat that is good for at least -25. I live in Minnesota, though.