My name is Brad. I am 18 years old from Florida. I decided to move to Alaska and live on my own for awhile. Nobody is out here with me. No running water. No electricity unless it comes from my solar panels or generator. And I'm currently using the bathroom over a hole I've dug out with a shovel. If this sounds interesting to read more about I am starting a blog that will be updated daily. As of 7/12/2016 I have posted an introduction and will post another post tonight around 10PM MY time. luxury entity
Welcome to the monkey Brad. At 18, I admire the adventure you have taken on. Living in Alaska is not easy and I am sure our Alaskans here will be along shortly to say hello. I wish you luck and look forward to your blog.
Got Wifi I read ! Start getting ready for 2017-18 winter , have your Credit card ready to buy this winters larder & heat. -40 , your make sure your butt don't stick to the round hole butt holder . Welcome to the monkey , Lived in Tuktoyaktuk and Resaulet northern Canada DEW , so know cooler temps. Cold is -60 , Capasassie Ontario. Sloth
Best of luck Brad. Tell us more about how you are prepared for what Alaska is going to be like 3 to 4 months from right now. If you have a gps or a good topo map of where you are, and want to share that data before it all turns to a frozen hell on earth, that and a name and address for next of kin, well ....... better to be ashes in an urn with loved ones than hair and bone scraps mixed in wolf crap. Maybe if you are not all that well prepared for what is coming your way, we can talk you into town or someplace southern and coastal. jus sayin
Where are you at in this tiny State? FYI, it does get a bit chillier than Florida in the winter.... I'm also (unfortunately) from Florida.
Welcome, but even though you may feel as though you're ten feet tall and bulletproof, you're not. Just keep that in mind. We were all 18 once.
...and I knew a few who didn't, most due to a combination of a lack of judgment and muscle cars. But a lack of judgment and exposure to the elements would have no different result, just not quite as sudden.
@18FLak if some of the members seem.......... concerned it most likely is they do not want to see you end up like the Russian. and another FlatLander finds out the Alaskan Bush..... | Survival Monkey Forums I do look forward to reading your blog.
Better read a locked thread : Alaska might / could be included . Eat lots of pepper , Bears are not fond of it. Having a laugh only 18
Well Brad, as another Monkey, who Does LIVE in the ALASKAN BUSH, Welcome to the Monkey Tree.... I also wonder just where you are, like @MountainMariner.... Alaska is a VERY Big Place, but if you have an Internet Connection, you are at least. near some sort of civilization. AlaskaChick & I live in Southeastern Alaska, out near Glacier Bay National Park.... Even if you are up North, you still have a month, or two, before Winter sets in.... Best be making good use of the daylight, and get the Cabin, Dried In, and Insulated.... Next is your Heat Source, and Energy Stores.... and finally your Food....
A winter's worth. Edit: For those who have an inclination to escape to the Alaskan Boondocks....the following web site makes for sobering reading: Alaska Outdoor Fatality Listing The site hasn't been updated with more recent case studies for some 5 the total would be much more than that which is listed.
welcome to SM you will find a lot of old school and new school here that some have already done lots of things tried and done by others
May I ask where you got all of your money? Truck, land, Polaris, saw mill and gun. Those 5 things are not cheap and I do not know many 18 year old that could save up enough money to own all of those things free and clear. Nothing snarky but it you have a method to be financial independent at 18 please share because I would like to put my kids on this plan.