1. Survival Blog 2. American Preppers Network 3. The Survival Mom 4. SHTFPlan.com 5. Survival 4 Christians 6. Urban Survival 7. Backdoor Survival 8. Off Grid Survival 9. Modern Survival Online 10. The Survivalist Blog 11. The Suburban Prepper 12. The Great Northern Prepper 13. Prepper Website 14. The Survival Podcast 15. Doom And Bloom 16. Provident Living Today 17. Prepper.org 18. Prepared Christian 19. SHTFblog.com 20. Survival Cache 21. Modern Survival Blog 22. Rural Revolution 23. Preparedness Advice Blog 24. Prep-Blog.com 25. Survival And Prosperity 26. TEOTWAWKI Blog 27. The Neighbor Network 28. The Apartment Prepper 29. Armageddon Online 30. The Berkey Guy Blog 31. The Home For Survival 32. My Family Survival Plan 33. Prepography 33. Prepper Dashboard 34. Bacon And Eggs 35. SHTF School 36. Canadian Preppers Network 37. Maximum Survival 38. Survivor Jane 39. Prepping To Survive 40. SaltnPrepper 41. SGTReport 42. SHTF Wiki 43. Jewish Preppers 44. Survival Magazine 45. Survival Week 46. Prepper Forums 47. Tactical Intelligence 48. The Prepared Ninja 49. Common Sense Homesteading 50. Survival Monkey
Oy Vey!! 10 years supply of matzo bread and tinned gefilte fish??? Who can live a week without a bacon kreplach???
No Survival Mom on that list. They occasionally have a fun article or so. Also, unsure if you all knew the abc bunch were collecting isp's from one of the sites listed. Make sure your computer doesn't accept 3rd party cookies. It is not total protection but it helps.
How did I miss that? I swear I read the whole list... I was a towhead when I was young & I still have moments... Boy do I feel dumb!
The Rabbi said that vegemite is acceptable, provided that it had kashrut certification, so long as it was manufactured after 2010, and it isn't consumed during Pesach. Although a jar of Vegemite may not look like a loaf of leavened bread...it contains the product of fermented grain which the pharisaic nit pickers count as as leavened bread! Oy vei!! That a poor schlemiel should be beaten about the head because he's accused of spreading leavened "bread" between his slices of unleavened bread???...Let the Rabbi try baking vegemite in an oven... and see if it turns into a soft fluffy bagel...I'll eat my tuchus! With Vegemite, less is more...and as Vegemite is no longer Australian owned! (It's now owned by Kraft Foods The Ozemite Story)...I tend not to buy it. I would store Ozemite as a substitute for Vegemite... but only if I see the K for kashrut logo on the jar....K for Kraft does not count!