Alaska Railroad (TV show)

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Tevin, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Alaska is a VERY Big Place, and has a very LARGE Variety of Landscapes. PermaFrost (Frozen Ground that NEVER thaws) is just one soil type, and is mostly further North than much of the populated areas of the State. the real issue, out in the bush would be the concrete to make such a Bunker. It is really expensive to build ANYTHING out of concrete, if you are NOT on a Road System.

    The thing you need to understand about Bears is, there are Two Types of Bears in Alaska.... Black Bears (Omnivores) and Brown Bears (Carnivores) Humans are NOT part of a Black Bears Food Chain. When God made Black Bears, the firmware programmers were taking a day off, but since they had just finished the ChipMonk Firmware, God decided to load that into the Black Bears. If you have ever watched a ChipMonk, and a Black Bear, you will notice, that they act almost exactly alike, except the Black Bear is Much Larger. All anyone needs to do to deal with a Black Bear, is make themselves BIGGER, Louder, and Scarier than the Bear, and he will turn and run very FAST, in the opposite Direction.... The exception to this Rule, is a very young Male Black Bear, who has just left Momma, and hasn't figured out how to Hunt for himself, yet, and is on the hungry side. He will stalk a Human, and eat him if he can, but once he figures out how to feed himself, He isn't a problem anymore. Now, Brown Bears are a Totally different Animal, altogether. God loaded his firmware, with "KILL it, Stash It, and Eat It later, routines, and that is about ALL he does, PERIOD. Brown Bears are a BIG, Powerful, Killing Machine, with a Good Stalking Routine, as well. Neither of these Bears have good Eyesight. They find their food by SMELL, mostly. They Hear very well, and that triggers the "Alert" Interrupt in their firmware, and that feeds the "Identify the sound" Routine, for which the use SMELL, and limited Eyesight sensors, to figure out what you are. This is why the Stand on Two Legs, when in the Ident Routine... They are trying to identify who or what caused the sound, that triggered the Interrupt, of whatever MainLine Routine was running, at the time.

    Chickens are very common in the Alaskan Bush, but they get predated by just about every Carnivore that comes along. (Eagles, Wolves, Martin, Bears, Yotes, Wolverines, Lynx, and many more) So you have to keep them Inside a Chicken Tractor, if you want to keep them alive. They survive the winters, just fine, if you heat the Tractor just a bit.....
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  2. thanks for all your answers
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