I'd like to buy a small wood stove that doesn't cost too much but is reliable and relatively transportable. Anyone have any experience with something like this?
Don't burn one to hot inside the tent, you get the exaust pipe to hot and you will catch the tent on fire. Just trust me
I agree with sniper......not too hot but you definately want to vent it thru the roof of the tent. Make sure you get one with a "roof" access so that you can vent it! Nothing is worse than filling a tent with smoke.
we use them 4 months out of the year, Cabelas sells a couple of good ones that the pipe packs inside the stove when not used. I have had it pretty hot, just melted the wax off of the roof a bit...lol if not a custom one the Cabelas models work great. take some charcoal or coal to toss a little bit on right before bed and it will burn all night.
Hey Quig -- do you know if Cabelas still sells the model you bought? Burning coal is a big plus (if it can handle it well) because of the heat it generates. The fuel would be 95% wood/cellulose and 5% coal. I won't be using it inside a tent (hopefully), but as a backup to where I live. Thanks!
Was it round or rectangular?.... Was it black or stainless?... Was it 10 or 12 gauge steel?... Arghhhh!!! Which one was it??? I'm a little excitable today :^)
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...parentType=index&indexId=cat280029&hasJS=true http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...280029&parentType=index&indexId=cat280029&rid= Have used these with great results
Be very careful about using charcoal or maybe even coal inside a tent. It' not the fumes, it's the gas it gives off that will kill you in your sleep. There have been many deaths over the years because people were using small charcoal grills (hybatchis)(sp). Make sure you are vented well and look for leaks in you stove. I remember some of our old wood stoves back when I was a kid, leaked like crazy. Snuffy