Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ladrillero, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    That is interesting. Seems like they are only doing what they are told but not seeing the logic. If one preps and figures out that this is a good thing because it makes one more self reliant then the local paper has done its job and opened a few eyes. For the rest that follow orders, changes are high they will not know what to do when an event happens because no one is there telling them what to do first. Make sense?
    Dunerunner likes this.
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    That ^^^ is exactly what I am talking about. They ignore it, pretend there is no threat, put it off until later, it is the out of site and out of mind mentality coupled with the "It can't happen to me ", mental illness.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I was watching the news and a college student died in a rock climbing accident. One of the students that was interviewed said it was so shocking because people her age think they are untouchable from tragic type events. The "it can't happen to me" attitude is scary because when it does, those are the helpless and the loudest yelling to be saved.
    Zimmy likes this.
  4. Imasham

    Imasham Monkey

    In most areas that I know of you can't get a mortgage unless the home has insurance. In most areas that I know of you can't register a vehicle unless the car/truck has insurance. Most people seem to understand and accept these. I wonder why life insurance, both monetary and prep type, is such a stretch for most people.

    I must admit that one thing I really struggle with is having compassion on people who don't have insurance. I cannot count the number of news reports I've seen where the reporter interviews some apartment resident or homeowner who has been forced out of their home for some reason and is standing wrapped in a blanket, smoking a cigarette, and telling the camera "I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't have insurance". I also admit I NEVER contribute to GoFundMe or other similar campaigns where they state the person did not have insurance.
    Zimmy, Capt. Tyree, Motomom34 and 2 others like this.
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I don't want to be a chicken little, but it seems to me that living in LA means that they must have an incredible faith in the Lord.
    Almost all their water, power, fuel, and food must be shipped in and almost all of it comes in from a great distance thru a very narrow supply chain. You then have one of the highest terrorist targets in the USA, the port complex that has the largest volume in the US and 5 th largest in the world. It is located in an area known to be on a major fault line, has had major earth quakes, and has a transportation system that would not allow for the rapid evacuation in case of a tsunami even if it were intact. It has a large mixed population that is barely under control in normal times. It is in an area with a lot of wild fires even in normal times. Its economic system is totally tied to the rest of the country and must generate enough income to import almost all of the things necessary to support life for more than a few days. Its political system seems determined to understate the potential dangers and instead focus on ethnic problems, the environment, leftist social goals and demands that the rest of the USA somehow transform itself to their desired ends.

    While they may not be able to predict the arrival of the next big one and it may be today or 100 years from now, it would seem to me to be prudent and leave now as the orderly survival of any major disaster in the area seems remote. As you move up the coast in the lower 48, the only real change is the addition of volcanoes, mud slides, and floods to the mix.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
    Zimmy and BTPost like this.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    It occurs to me that the California aqueduct would probably fail as well in a big state wide event , which means , if the power goes down and the water is off , if the aqueduct is empty/damaged, it will be a lot longer before life can continue .
    Many areas of the country have water reservoirs fed by wells , and this delicate resource might be well advised to guard, as well as making sure water is shut off in abandoned homes and businesses .
    Earth quake damaged homes will/may have broken water and gas lines.
    Reducing the needless loss, ensures the preservation of resources in the future and safety in your area .
    During the big bear quake , a cabin across the street had a water heater walking out of it's closet , we pushed it back in place and shut off the gas to it as well as all the other gas to the rest of the homes in the area.
    One place we didn't catch was in a trailer park where a fire started due to a propane leak .
    Had we done nothing the fire department would have been over loaded all the more with other areas no one did any thing about prevention. After shocks lasted for weeks and some were significant .
    To give some perspective as to the severity of the quake , thousands of fire places fell through out the valley, homes were moved off their foundations, and all 3 main roads were blocked by land slides.
    After this event a great effort was made to make sure homes were more quake resistant .
    Motomom34 likes this.
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If the Aqueduct fails, Poor Eddie will not be able to fill his BathTub, for Drinking water....
    Yard Dart and ghrit like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Depending on the breach, it might just wash him into the harbor without his waterwings.
    Zimmy, Yard Dart and BTPost like this.
  9. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    Mexico city has an alarm system to alert the citizens of the city that an earthquake is coming. It is called Sistema de Alerta Sísmica (SAS) and is based on the seismographs they have in Guerrero on the Pacific coast and sounds the alarm on 8200 speakers located throughout the city. If there is an earthquake in Guerrero of close to 6 or more points it sends an electronic signal to the capital to turn on sirens. The seismic waves travel at 3 to 4km per hour and take to between 75 to 85 seconds to rich the capital. So people have a close to minute to go outside of the buildings. For a large earthquake & or more you have 20 seconds to escape. If you live in a high rise building like the 5th floor and up you wont have time. I tested timing from 3rd. floor and it took me 25 seconds to get to the street using the stairs, to late to escape. Forget the elevator, don´t use it. Should US West coat have this system. I think so but should be debated by society. I am including video link
    Zimmy and Motomom34 like this.
  10. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    That alarm works for Mexico city but for my location is useless because of soil type, earthquake took 2 seconds to get to my city. I am 110km from epicenter.
  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I am on the fault line.... I give a shit. I go to work each day and am prepared to get home as needed.
    When the Nisqually hit, I was on the highway when it was happening. Thought I had got a flat tire, the truck was wigglying all over the road. :eek:
    Zimmy likes this.
  12. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    Here video of SASMEX or alarm system in real time.
  13. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  14. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    I checked Nisqually earthquake a strong 6.8. More scary if you get it at 2 45 am like we did.
  15. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    I was there for this one. As impressive as it looks this is weeks later based on the cribbing. Thats 1.5 inch re bar
    and it snapped like a pretzel stick, Oakland, California 1989
    Yard Dart and Motomom34 like this.
  16. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    Yes this is a famous earthquake because of the timing and circumstances. The scientists at the time made a complete study on the causes of the failures of this section. I am not sure if LA Times or Newsweek printed an article on the results. I have it somewhere in my files if someone is interested. On the picture a section of the bridge was built over filled marshland. During the earthquake this part oscillated and affected the other section that was on better soil causing it to collapse. In most building failures the base of the column at the 1st. floor breaks and the whole building comes down in a pancake form or falls to one side. In a one floor house the movement opens the top of the wall and the roof comes down. In Latin America all buildings are made out of concrete. If you build it right you will be OK otherwise it will kill you in a second. California building code was upgraded after the Northridge earthquake is made for a 6.7 if an 7.5 hits there will be a lot of damaged property. I am including a picture of my study on the town close to the epicenter was located. Notice the column broken where it meets 2nd. floor. If someone needs advise on your house´s seismic strength feel free to ask.

  17. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The coronal hole is now facing the earth, it's very likely there will be an earth quake some where once the intense solar wind gets here.
    Zimmy likes this.
  18. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    I am writing to present you with new data.
    Mexico earthquake of 7.1 was on September 19, 2017 at 18:14. There was a 6.3 on January 19, 2017 at 16:17. The movement traveled north approximately 980 miles(1577km) in 4 months. To Salton Sea lake fault in California(probable next earthquake location) there is 520 miles (837km).
    In my first post of this thread you can read my reasoning. If my guess is correct there is probability of a strong southern California earthquake within this year. I am guessing it will be more than 7 points. You can use google earth and USGS to confirm my data. On November 2017 scientists predicted an upsurge of strong earthquakes for 2018 due to slowing rotation of the earth.
    Link to news article:
    Motomom34 and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  19. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Been through several quakes .
    The little 3s and 4s have been just single event lasting only a few seconds .
    The 6.2 I experienced lasted for about a month ,after a while you were expecting it ,and missed it after it stopped. Like a boat that finally reached shore "What, are we there already?"
    Problem we had was fraudulent inspectors, that either ignored problems or invented them, depending on their own agendas .
    The problem too with quakes is the epicenter isn't always going to be the greatest damage. Pilots observing from above said the ground looked like jelly all over the area . My bosses home looked as though his house had been lifted and dropped from several feet, while his neighbors had only minimal damage .
    very little in my neighborhood had been damaged being 7 miles from the epicenter while the new city building had to be evacuated for damage, 12 miles from the epicenter ."Be sure your sins will find you out" city inspectors ignored things not done to code on their own building .
    Recommend that you take pictures of the way things are , where pipes are laid under ground around you place and electrical lines . things you've secured and measures you've taken to prevent damage . retain all this information in a fire proof safe . Even if you don't have insurance to cover your loses , the information can teach you what you might have done better ,and better preparation for the next earth quake might be better applied.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  20. ladrillero

    ladrillero Monkey+

    I agree its important to have documentation stored in a safe place. Insurance companies will ask for it if you claim for damages. Scientists estimates are predicting large damages to city water,sewer and power lines. One thing people don't think about is to have a good emergency medical supplies that should include small surgery items. Learn to stitch open wounds and other emergency care because we never know when you will need it. Today's Alaska earthquake of 7.9 will put more pressure on the Oregon seismic faults so it could hit there first but people in those areas need to be prepared.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  1. Brokor
  2. duane
  3. DKR
  4. 3M-TA3
  5. BTPost
  6. Yard Dart
  7. Motomom34
  8. Grand58742
  9. TailorMadeHell
  10. ghostrider
  11. Clyde
  12. melbo
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